ZetaTalk: Ulterior Motives
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
The motives of many government operations are not at all what they seem.
Most citizens of whatever country feel their government to be a monolith
with a life of its own. The citizen, who feeds and supports this monolith,
is left feeling trapped and in the dark. They wish to trust their
government, but sense there is more going on in the corridors of power
than they will ever know. This feeling is not without basis, and on
occasion groundless suspicions are grounded when corruption or nepotism or
empire building are revealed. But do the secret motives of some
governments go beyond personal gain? Absolutely, and these are schemes you
do not hear about, as they are well disguised.
- Government schemes that seldom if ever get exposed include attempts to
shape the populace. A brighter yet more docile citizen is desired, one
who will be productive yet not rebellious. This scheme, a secret motive
of most in positions of power, aims to shape the populace by rewarding
the right genetics with jobs, and denying the rejects. Jobs mean food,
housing, educational opportunities, and medical attention. Those with
jobs survive and pass along their genes, and those without jobs get sick
and don't recover or slowly starve. In spite of the statistics on
welfare and free medical services, the care the poor receive does not
bring their chances up to the level of those with steady jobs and
benefits. By these means their numbers are held in check.
- Another ulterior motive of those in power is conquest and possession,
the child's desire to have all the toys for himself and his parents as
his devoted servants. There is never enough. As outright war is seldom
possible, economic maneuvering results. Since those in power see
themselves as controlling the country they govern, they begin to see the
country as their possession. Economic manipulation is
presented at every bargaining table - exchange rates, import quotas,
tit-for-tat agreements - all become a wrestling match. What results are
short-sighted gains that inhibit long-term benefits, so the citizen gets
a net loss. Nevertheless, these practices continue, excused as being for
the good of the country.
- Ulterior motives also include takeover attempts by insurrection. This
is a scheme much played out in the media, but the actual practice is not
as dramatic. Fomenting rebellion or assassination may make an exciting
movie, but actual insurrection practices are more insidious. Nations may
deliberately turn their backs on a target country, denying or
withdrawing aid. The effect is to undercut progress, making the target
vulnerable to essential takeover by an economic offer of assistance
later. Population controls may be denied, and where it would seem this
would only add more citizens, a wealth, in point of fact unfettered
population expansion lowers the standard of living. Allowing or even
supporting insurgent groups to discourage the will and resolve of the
populace is also an effective weapon, and the choices of those in power
are seldom questioned. At times they interfere and at times not. These
choices are not whimsical, but directed, and driven by ulterior takeover
- One of the strongest ulterior motives that governments possess is
genocide. This becomes essentially policy, but goes by dozens of
different names - fiscal restraint, states rights, licensing initiatives
- which when examined as to their effect can be recognized for
their intent. Saving funds by eliminating immunization shots does not save
money, as children surviving measles encephalitis become mainly wards of
the state, and a single hospitalization pays for hundreds if not
thousands of shots. It is the deaths, not the funds, that these sponsors
are counting, though they would scarcely admit to their feelings. The
American Indian suffers so brutally at the hands of the bureaucracy that
is designed to bring salvation that the assault scarcely needs to be
explained as it is common knowledge. The taxpayer's dollars go not to
support and assist American Indians but to the bureaucrats, who do
everything in their power to keep their charges dependent, unemployed,
and drunk. If technical or vocational training looks like it might
succeed, it is stifled and replaced with social science and crafts.
- The issue of defense is where ulterior motives can scarcely be denied.
The standing army that claims its mission is defense has its eyes
constantly on weapons which will allow it to conquer. Attend meetings
with the military brass and you will see this revealed. Weapons
production is not discussed in terms of its repelling power, it is
destruction that counts. Does one defend their territory by destroying
it? Next we see under what circumstances the military defends its
country. The US military rushed to aid the oil cartel by invading
countries in the Middle East, and was likewise rushed to support
economic interests in Vietnam and Panama, to mention only a few. This
non-defense is explained to the taxpayers, who see their loved ones die
in battle, as necessary in order to protect democracy, maintain a
standard of living, or for the sake of decency if no other reasons can
be found. That other situations just as deserving of correction emerge
around the world almost daily and are neglected is barely ever
questioned by the citizens who support this aggression.
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