Sudden Size
Comet Hale-Bopp Arm Formation Animation
August 30,
- This animation is courtesy of Miguel Serra-Ricart from Teide Observatory. The images were
taken by M.R. Kidger with the IAC80 Telescope (0.82m) pertaining to the Instituto de Astrofisica de
Canarias in the Canary Islands, Spain.
- This animation shows a series of processed images from August 25th, 27th and 28th which
show the development of the spiral arm leaving the nucleus. ... The sequence shows
how the base of the jet remains in a constant position over the three nights and does not rotate around the
nucleus. The jet though changes significantly from night to night, wrapping further around the
nucleus, moving slowly away and fading significantly.
European Southern Observatory
The Enormous Size
of Comet Hale-Bopp
30 August 1995
- This series of three photos of the unusual Comet Hale-Bopp demonstrates
that the comet is much larger than thought so far. In fact, its nucleus is
surrounded by a dust cloud that measures more than 2.5 million kilometres across. Note that
because of the wide field they represent, each of the images is available in two sizes, the
larger of which has considerably better resolution.