1995 August 06
- Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer.
Such is the choice for this fraud that it's characteristics cannot be affirmatively proven until some
time has passed. Is it a distant exploding star? Can't say. Is it moving, can't say for sure. Is it
drawing nigh? Can't say. All is speculation.
1995 August 17
- The diffuse brightness of an exploding star provides a fairly large area of bright points, as
the mass of the star spirals outward with fiercely burning portions away from
the star center, which is dimming.
1995 August 14
- Why has Hale-Bopp, at this time, decided to fragment and explode, growing in
brightness? This is decidedly not the pattern that comets present, but it is the pattern
of exploding stars, super novas, which become for a brief time visible, and then wink out.
1995 August 17
- Where it has been noted that Hale-Bopp should have shown up on a 1991 image as well as the
famous 1993 image, if it were a comet, this has been explained away as an outburst at the current
time. Outbursts occur when comets fragment on nearing the Sun, being of a
composition that cannot withstand the exposure.
1995 August 14
- We, ZetaTalk, are telling you that the announcement will be made that Hale-Bopp
has utterly fragmented, long before its trumpeted arrival date. Why so? How else to explain an
exploding star that winked out. How convenient for the perpetrators of the falsehood. What's next? Oh,
that the 12th Planet, when eventually sighted, is no more real or dangerous than this clever fraud.
1995 September 26
- They bought themselves time, and now will bury Hale-Bopp in a "star rich"
field so the receding orbit points cannot be verified. Those who cannot find Hale-Bopp where it
is supposed to be have been confused, just as those who could not find Hale-Bopp until now have had
weak telescopes.
1995 October 25
- The public, which has either been unable to find Hale-Bopp where it is supposed to be or has
been directed to an area of the sky so crowded with dim stars not even on the map that
they can always find something that might be Hale-Bopp, will continue to be duped by those who
either do not want to admit they were wrong, or those who do not want the public believing ZetaTalk.
1995 August 14
- NASA itself avoids mentioning the Hale-Bopp orbit, as to do so would require confirming the
false 1993 image of Hale-Bopp by an Australian observatory, an image that will be discovered, in
due time, to be incorrect. It is this sighting and this sighting alone that an orbit is based on.
NASA was not willing to sully its reputation by falsifying its 1993 image capture.
Thus, no mention of the orbit.
1995 August 14
- NASA itself avoids mentioning the Hale-Bopp orbit, as to do so would require confirming the
false 1993 image of Hale-Bopp by an Australian observatory, an image that will be discovered, in due
time, to be incorrect. It is this sighting and this sighting alone that an orbit is based
on. NASA was not willing to sully its reputation by falsifying its 1993 image capture. Thus, no
mention of the orbit.
1995 August 17
- Third, the triangulation required is in fact not a triangulation at all, in the case of Hale-Bopp,
as in truth only the current position and the falsified 1993 image are being used as the
1995 August 29
- Without the 1993 image the recorded orbit of Hale-Bopp is so many pin-points on the head of a
pin. They are all in the same place. The diffuse brightness of an exploding star provides a fairly
large area of bright points, as the mass of the star spirals outward with fiercely burning portions away
from the star center, which is dimming. Just which of those little pin points is considered the
so-called comet head? No one can say, as the so-called comet head has not been located
without the coma usually presented. This blur or that is called a faint coma at times, and no tail
has been found, so the artists who would draw an orbit for Hale-Bopp are given a free hand.
1995 October 25
- Conspirators have also lined up images of Hale-Bopp to give the impression of a carefully
plotted orbit. Those images which would show the orbit points plotted on empty space have
been excluded. Where bright parts of the exploding star Hale-Bopp happen to line up with the
orbit, these images they have retained.
1995 August 6
- How has the elliptical path of Hale-Bopp been calculated, such that it
simulates the elliptical path ascribed to the 12th Planet? How was the periodic nature of Hale-
Bopp calculated to be close to the periodic nature of the 12th Planet?
1995 August 29
- Much hoop-la has been made over the supposed orbit of Hale-Bopp. Have the details
of how the orbit was calculated been published where the layman can see it? Heavens no!