Mike's List
Assuming I don't have any cloths on then the box would contain: One pair of tennis shoes and clothes and a belt. I
doubt I could get anything else in it as my shoes are 13" long. Assuming I can take the cloths and shoes that I am
wearing at the time then I would put the following in the box:
- 2 flexible wire saw blades, has a ring attached at each end to put a finger through to be able to saw wood
and one for metal - used for building shelter, Animal traps, throwing spears, or fire.
- Three Magnesium-flint fire starters. One for use to start fires in the rain. two to trade or as back up.
- One small stainless camping cooking pan - to make bug-root-soup with.
- One survival knife - has fishing line and spear point and sling shot hidden within it's handle - The spear
point can be fastened to a wooden branch to make a throwable spear or to gig fish with. The sling shot can
be used with rocks to hit rats, or other small animals.
- Squeeze lever type flash light (no battery) to generate light as needed. (include a spare bulb) Used to read
the map and to not step where one shouldn't in the dark.
- Whistle - to call attention to your self if needed.
- One Poncho - help keep the water off
- Two Thermal blankets - To help keep warm at night when the bodies metabolism slows down. One as back
up they don't last forever.
- Thin plastic tarpon to wrap the body in or 2 heavy duty plastic garbage bags 33-40 gallon to sleep in or
block the wind. One bag cut hole in for head, the other put over the feet.
- 100 ft of nylon string and 50 ft of camo cord - lies flat - takes up small amount of space is strong and can be
used to construct traps, tie plastic around you at night, make a shelter, tie down plastic to keep it from
- Fishing 100 ft of fishing line, 4 different lures and hooks - will make 2-4 lines to fish with at a time can cut
a pole from tree branches found.
- Small portable water filter (yet to be determined). - To filter rain water.
- Flexible plastic canteen for water squashed flat 1 to 3 quart. - Will use separate peace of plastic to catch
rain water.
- Take a folded plastic water proof laminated map of the area you plan to stay within - used for orientation
and to scrounge for things and to find planned destination.
- Cub scout lensatic compass with luminous dial - used for keeping track of where one is going so as to not
wander in circles. Plan to mark the new north, after PS, on the map as soon as one can orient the map
against some recognizable landscape objects.
- Watch - used to keep track of distance.
- Clear or white foldable plastic, or plastic bags and water proof fine point marker to make notes on of
distance and personal maps. Small pad of paper and pencil may work if it can be kept dry.
- Collapsible telescoping telescope or small binoculars - to observer others before they observe you.
- 2 x 99.9% pure silver electrodes with wire and clips soldered - for when one can make distilled water and
scrounge a battery/generator or use the squeeze generator flash light to make colloidal silver. In conjunction
with the antibacterial properties of silver, I believe, that in a tight situation, by keeping a bit of silver in the
body, the body will be less likely to hold onto lead and that any lead taken in will pass through without
staying in the body as much as if no silver were present. Using this small amount of space in this box is an
investment in the future. It will be hard to find pure silver wherever you go.
- Small Nylon bag, so one can put the contents of the box in it and tie it to your belt when the cardboard box
gets wet and falls apart - and eat the box for it's fiber and nutritional value. - I am reminded of an
experiment done with rats. One set was feed the contents of a popular breakfast cereal. Another set of rats
were fed the box. The control group fed the boxes lived longer.
- Fill the rest of the space with garbage sized and smaller plastic bags (some could be used for thermal
insulation stuff dead leafs in them and stuff them in your clothes to keep worm)
Optional items if they will fit:
- Small pressurized container of pepper spray - for defense
- Small pocket edible plants ID guide - in case you can still find some plants or roots not destroyed by the PS.
- Dried Beans or protein powder to fill the space.
Note: All of the above assumes you have a plan or can find or build some place with additional resources,
housing protection, before too long a time. The above items each have a limited lifetime. To just to continue to
wander one would soon be reduced to a even more primitive existence as each item wares out.
Offered by Mike.