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As with Estonia, the lands of Belarus will find water sloshing in from the Atlantic during the hour of the shift, with a need to be on high ground, especially if situated along rivers which will carry the slosh inland as a backwash. A steady inundation over the next two years as the existing poles melt will force survivors to the mountains or to Sweden, their homeland lost to the rising seas. Thus survivors should prepare and plan to move, either before the shift or afterwards. Chernobyl will not poison the area further during the shift, unless, as with all active nuclear installations and power plants, it is not properly shut down and disabled by human hands prior to the shift. This matter is in human hands. The contaminated soil around Chernobyl will remain local, and slowly set aright over the millennia following the shift. In the far future on Earth, it is not likely to be a settlement site, as with any area carrying disseminated pollution, difficult to clean up.
ZetaTalk ™
Though landlocked, the lowlands of Belarus will deal with sloshing from the Atlantic during the hour of the shift for several reasons. Just as with Texas, where the
slosh from the Gulf will create a higher pole shift tide there, due to tidal bore over flat land, the countries inland to the east of the Baltic Sea will likewise experience
a higher tide. The tide from the North Atlantic will come in from the North Sea, and there be compressed and thus pushed south by the highlands of Norway and
Sweden. The Alps to the south create a second funnel side for this tide, which begins to narrow and rise. Of course Denmark and the lowlands of Germany are lost
to the tide in any case, but what rushes east against the countries bordering the Baltic Sea is water under greater force due to its height. Finland, western Russia,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and even Belarus will experience a pole shift tide that is higher at the start, by 160 feet, than expected elsewhere. The reason for
our description of the pole shift tide as 500-600 feet at the coastline is for these reasons, as tidal bore factors are along many coastlines. For the countries east of
the Baltic Sea, the tide can be estimated to be close to 700 feet at the coastline.
What this means for those residents in these countries is that they must be slightly higher when inland than the 200 feet at the 100 mile mark. Depending upon
terrain, be higher by 200 feet or further inland by 50 miles. Where a tidal bore creates water under a greater push to move, once past the pinch that the highlands
of Norway and Sweden create with the Alps to the south, the pole shift tide will dissipate quickly as it can fan out. A significant factor creating concern for those
trying to survive the pole shift in Belarus are the rivers that will bring the pole shift tide to its highlands. Tidal bore has a propensity for river bottoms, and rushes up
with increasing speed along them as this is an avenue where the water column can seek its own level most readily. If a steady tide can be expected as the pole shift
tide rolls inland over land, for those regions dealing with tidal bore there is instead a rush or blast of water under pressure along the river bottoms. This moves the
water further inland than would normally flow before it turns back to slosh in the other direction. The 3 rivers carrying this rush of water inland to Belarus means
that the cautions about the pole shift tide need to be carried further inland too, for Belarus. Be 400 feet above sea level and 150 miles from the coast, for safety.
ZetaTalk ™
Note Arctic Slosh commentary.
Note European Migratrion commentary.
Note European Population commentary.
Note Sea of Azov Squeeze commentary.