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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 935, Sunday, August 11, 2024
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

Olympics Satanism

Satanism openly took over the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies, showing  a mockery of the Last Supper with a Blue Man showing his testicle hanging out on the platter, Drag Queens dancing amid small children, and the beheading of Marie Antoinette. Most of the world expressed shock and outrage.

Gojira Deny Olympics Opening Song was Satanic: ‘It’s French History: Beheaded People, Red Wine, and Blood’
July 31, 2024
The French heavy metal band Gojira has denied that their performance during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 was satanic.
Olympics Organizers ‘Firmly Condemn’ Harassment of Opening Ceremony Artists
August 2, 2024
Olympics organizers on Friday threw their support behind the creator of the Paris Games opening ceremony, Thomas Jolly, and participating artists after he reported cyberbullying over one controversial scene. “Paris 2024 gives its full support to Thomas Jolly as well as the creators and artists of the opening ceremony in light of the attacks against them,” a spokesperson told AFP.
US and World Leaders Denounce Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony's Mocking of Last Supper
July 26, 2024
Several U.S. and world lawmakers are denouncing the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, after drag queens and artists made a spectacle of the Leonardo DaVinci painting, the Last Supper, which depicts the last meal Jesus had with his apostles.

Later that day as Midnight approached there were blackouts in Paris, with all but the Sacre Coeur Church chapel plunged into darkness.  Per the Zetas, this was more than symbolic, as arrests of those planning more mischief were in process.

Major Power Outage Plunges Several Paris Districts into Darkness A Day After Paris Olympics Inauguration
July 26, 2024
One video on X featured power failures in multiple Parisian areas, while another featured total darkness in the city. The alleged power outage also fell on the same day as the 2024 Olympics, which sparked controversy at the opening ceremony and had a contentious history.
Major Power Outage Hits Large Parts of Paris
July 27, 2024
A major power outage struck several districts of Paris on Sunday, about 24 hours after the Olympic Games opening ceremony, local media reported. This comes after France's high-speed rail system was hit by vandals who carried out acts of sabotage across the rail network early Friday. The exact cause of the blackout is still unknown.
City Of No Lights: Olympics Host Paris Deals with Reported Massive Power Outage
July 27, 2024
Around midnight, reports started circulating that the City of Lights had gone dark. While the reports and the cause of any blackouts have not yet been confirmed, some videos are floating around social media of what sure looks like a city in the midst of a major power outage. Of course, people immediately made a connection to the impeccably timed apparent power outage and the opening ceremony which happened about 36 hours earlier and featured what sure looked to most people like a clear-cut mockery of the Last Supper.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/27/2024: The Opening of the Paris Olympics was intended to be a Satanic celebration, with a mockery of the Last Supper and Drag Queens mixed with the innocence of children. This created such an uproar among Christians that the Opening Ceremony was removed from the media. Is there a nexus with the reported blackout that struck Paris that night, which had no explanation but clearly was selective as the Sacre Coeur Church remained lit? The blackouts were more than symbolic.  

The Satanists who had been allowed to arrange the Opening had more planned for Paris, timed for the Midnight Hour, but White Hats operating in Europe countered with a planned blackout during which they arrested key fugitives who were attending the Olympics. During the Transformation of Earth there will be a steady increase in Service-to-Other influence, with a commensurate decrease in Service-to-Self influence. Satanists practices such as the sexual abuse of children for Adrenochrome harvesting or Pedophile use of young children who are powerless to fight back are examples.

Bibi’s Agenda

Israel has had a contentious history, from 1948 when Britain allowed Israel to be established within Palestine – documented in the now expired Balfour Declaration. Resentful Palestinians fought back – Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Bibi became the leader in Israel, and to deflect assassination attempts used Doubles at times, but the original Bibi was finally executed by White Hats in Israel in 2021. That given, what was the agenda of the “Bibi” speaking before the US Congress in July.

Balfour Declaration e
The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.
Creation of Israel, 1948
The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain's former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end.
History of the State of Palestine
The main discussion since 1993 has focused on turning most or all of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank into an independent Palestinian state. This was the basis for the Oslo accords, and it is, as a matter of official policy, favoured by the U.S. The status of Israel within the 1949 Armistice lines has not been the subject of international negotiations.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/31/2020: Bibi has not been executed but has a double standing in for him during public events. He fears for his life. He has lost most of his power during the persistent cleanup of the Khazarian Mafia’s Moloch worship and their use of blackmail against those they have caught in pedo traps, thus leaving his threats toothless. The western banks are failing in the face of the reach and success of the BRICS banking network. Thus he lacks financial clout. Satanism has thus been proved worthless in the quest for power and money. Bibi hides underground in Israel, but those who hate or were hurt by him are legion, so it is only a matter of time before he is killed.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2021: Has the White Hat Alliance finally effectively prosecuted Bibi Netanyahu and his Khazarian machine operating out of Israel, executing the lot? Yes, Ben Fulford’s sources are correct. Bibi’s lock on Israel included election fraud and the ability to use the Mossad as he chose. He has evaded being removed from office throughout several elections, and attempts to remove him from office for misconduct have repeatedly failed. When Bibi was to meet with President Trump in January, 2020 he sent a Double, as he feared an assassination. The Double is now campaigning in Israel, but the eyebrows reveal his identity.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2023: Bibi is a White Hat Double at present, even throughout the 2022 election. Israel is currently working as one giant sting operation to catch the remaining Khazarian Mafia who are trying to regroup in Israel. The Khazarian Mafia wants the western banking network to thrive, and would use an Israeli money laundering machine to fund or assassinate or bribe politicians as necessary.

What is the agenda for the White Hats during Bibi’s visit to Congress in 2024? Bibi may be a White Hat Double but the Zionists still want Greater Israel and expect the US to come to their rescue. Ultimately, the Zionists will have to accept a peace deal, which hopefully President Trump can arrange.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/30/2024: Bibi is a White Hat Double at present, having been executed by White Hats in Israel in 2021 who are running a sting op to clean up the Khazarian Mafia. What was the purpose of his visit to DC and obvious meetings with the 2024 candidates?  Israel has had a conflicted history from the start when Britain granted Palestinian territory via the Balfour Declaration. The issue is Israel’s reluctance to give up Palestinian territory, which increases during any conflict. Greater Israel is the cry.

The US has historically been Israel’s strongest ally, so ostensibly the Bibi Double was trying to gain US backing for their current dual front between Hamas and Hezbollah. Bibi’s visit and plea before Congress was to assist peace in the Middle East by forcing the war prone elements in Israel to face reality. The US will not come to their rescue. It was also to clarify for the US public which political party in the US could negotiate peace in the Middle East. President Trump is a proven and respected negotiator.

As the Movie wends on, there are an increasing number of Doubles that must be supported in their roles. We are promised that at some point the Movie will be revealed and explained, but the shock is expected to fill the hospitals with heart attack victims. Thus the process has been to gradually have a Double take sick or die or retire from politics. Beyond the Bibi Double, those personages where the original is dead are Hillary, Obama, and Biden. Michelle is a White Hat Double asset, Bill Clinton is dying of AIDS, and Kamala, surprisingly, is herself these days, though she is under investigation so that might change rapidly. President Trump does have Doubles for protection but is also himself, the original.

Maduro Persists

Venezuelan polls showed that Maduro was not in the lead, but the opposition leader would clearly be the winner in the election. As expected Maduro stole the election. What now? As the Zetas remind us, a King can only rule while the Military is behind him. It is up to those who support him, thus, to force change.

Will Maduro Steal Another Election in Venezuela?
July 25, 2024
Venezuelans go to the polls on Sunday, and the biggest question is whether Nicolás Maduro will steal another election. He’s trailing by more than 20 points in every poll, and even his allies on the Latin American left are forsaking him. But he still has Cuba on his side.
What to Know about Venezuela's Election, as Maduro Faces Stiff Opposition
July 26, 2026
Venezuelans are bracing for one of their most consequential and contentious elections this Sunday, which could bring dramatic change to the South American nation. Should the main opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, win and take an oath of office in January, it would end 12 years of authoritarian government under President Nicolás Maduro — and a quarter-century of rule by the Socialist Party founded by the late leader Hugo Chávez. Maduro, who has led Venezuela into its worst economic crisis in history and nearly crushed its democracy, prompting almost 8 million Venezuelans to flee the country. However, Maduro controls all branches of power, including the armed forces and the National Electoral Council that will count the votes. His government has flooded the mainstream media, which it controls, with propaganda and has engaged in a campaign to sabotage the opposition.
Venezuela's Maduro, Opposition each Claim Presidential Victory
July 29, 2024e
The country's electoral authority said just after midnight on Monday that Maduro had won a third term with 51% of the vote, despite multiple exit polls which pointed to an opposition win. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado said Gonzalez had won 70% of the vote and that multiple independent exit polls and quick counts decisively showed his victory. A poll from Edison Research, known for its polling of U.S. elections, had predicted in an exit poll that Gonzalez would win 65% of the vote, while Maduro would win 31%.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/30/2024: Maduro has led with an iron fist, a dictatorship, and could certainly steal the election if he chose. He is certain to try to do so, but what would be the outcome?  What must be borne in mind is that no King can rule without the support of the Military, and if they see the King leading the country to ruin they can switch sides. Dictatorships crumble from within by these means, despite threats. This election and its outcome are in the hands of man, but inevitably at the current rate of economic distress, change is coming to Venezuela.