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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 937, Sunday, August 25, 2024
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

Broke the Internet

The overwhelming interest in what President Trump and Musk had to say during their August 12 interview was so great the event is being described as one that “Broke the Internet” - a record attendance. An estimated 1 billion people attempted to hear the interview the first day, many returning the second day to listen to recordings. A DDOS attack was also suspected to bring down the server. But after 40 minutes the 2 hour interview began. President Trump then began to hold live pressers with the media, displaying a contrast with Kamala Harris who is in hiding.

5 Takeaways from the Trump-Musk Conversation on X
August 12, 2024
Trump and Musk spoke for roughly two hours after their conversation was delayed because of technical issues that prevented many from initially joining. The two covered a range of topics, including the recent assassination attempt on Trump, his views on immigration and the economy, and the future of energy production. Musk has endorsed Trump in the 2024 campaign. At its peak, Monday’s Spaces had more than 1 million listeners.
Interview Subjects
(0:00) Server Attack Incident
(2:09) Reflections on Assassination Attempt (9:33) Courage & Bravery
(10:51) Significance of Illegal Immigration Slide (12:14) Legal vs. Illegal Immigration
(13:56) Consequences of Open Borders
(18:02) Global Security (21:36) Impact of Global Immigration
(21:44) Existential Issue for the US (23:54) Importance of Intimidation in Global Security
(26:06) Understanding World Leaders (30:38) Risk of Global Thermonuclear Warfare
(33:16) Energy Policy and Drilling (33:27) Addressing Government Overspending
(36:13) Economic Challenges Survival (45:45) Climate Change vs. Nuclear Power
(55:06) High-Speed Transport Vision
(56:19) Excess Regulation and FDA Reform
(1:01:11) Empathy for Victims & Law Enforcement
(1:03:13) Foreign Aid & Criminal Deportation
(1:06:53) Trump’s Motivation & Future Vision

Trump and Musk talk about Assassination Attempt and Deportations during Gitchy Chat on X
August 13, 2024
With more than 878,000 users connected to the meeting more than 40 minutes after the scheduled start time, the interview had not yet begun. Many users received a message reading, “Details not available.”
Trump Campaign Claims a Billion People Listened to His Elon Musk Interview
August 14, 2024
The August 13 edition of "Palm Beach Playbook," a newsletter from the Trump campaign, referred to the interview as "the most successful X interview in history" and added that "in less than a day, over a billion people 'tuned in' to hear President Trump speak. President Trump's post alone has generated over 200 million views and over 630,000 likes, while X app downloads reached an all-time high." According to a link to the recording on Trump's X profile, 27.7 million people have so far "tuned in" to the two-hour interview. This figure is much closer to that listed on the Republican National Committee's website, which says 24.1 million people watched.

Mainland Dropping

The Zetas predicted the Mainland Portion of N America would drop and slide to the SW during the New Madrid Adjustment. This is in process, as ancient structures that have stood for thousands of years now collapsing at the same time show - the Toilet Bowl arch in Utah and the Michoacán pyramid in Mexico. This was accompanied by an unexpected and massive geyser eruption in the Biscuit Basin at Yellowstone.

Iconic Natural ‘Double Arch’ Collapses at Famous US National Park
August 10, 2024
Also known as the Toilet Bowl, Crescent Pool, and the Hole in the Roof, the mesmerizing structure formed from 190-million-year-old Navajo sandstone and had the appearance of an enormous skylight in a grotto, allowing sunlight to illuminate a glittering patch of water in Rock Creek Bay.
Geyser Eruption in Yellowstone National Park Sends Visitors Fleeing
July 24, 2024
A surprise hydrothermal explosion in Yellowstone national park has sent sightseers running for safety, after steam, rock and dirt shot high into the sky. No injuries were reported, but the Biscuit Basin area was closed for visitor safety after the falling rocks damaged a boardwalk that keeps people off Yellowstone’s fragile and often dangerous geothermal areas.
Ancient Pyramid Collapses After Storm in Mexico, Just Days After Archway Collapses in US
August 13, 2024
Purépecha people still live in parts of Michoacán state in western Mexico and have commented how their historical traditions may have seen the structure’s fall as a sign of impending doom. Tariakuiri Alvarez, who referred to the builders of the pyramid as ancestors in a Facebook post, described how this would have been considered a bad omen, indicating "that some event is approaching."

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/14/2024: The New Madrid Adjustment affects the whole of the N American Continent. Shifting the SE Portion to the East destabilizes the N American continent, allowing it to slide into the compressing Pacific. This has long been predicted by ourselves and will result in many disasters along the San Andreas. That this is in process can be seen in the collapse of ancient structures that have withstood assaults for thousands of years. The Toilet Bowl arch in Utah and the Michoacán pyramid collapse in western Mexico happened almost simultaneously, along with Biscuit Basin eruptions in Yellowstone.

ZetaTalk Prediction 3/7/2007: The New Madrid adjustment will affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. Then, as we have explained, there will be a bow from San Diego out to Arizona, which will rupture the great dam on the Colorado. When this bow, which forces Mexico too far to the West for the comfort of the West Coast, adjusts, it will be a slip-slide adjustment of the San Andreas and related fault lines up the coast.

Mothership Disclosure

The Council of Worlds is anxious to push disclosure of the Alien Presence. Sightings of UFO displays have become almost commonplace, and even sighting and photographing alien bodies has occurred. So what’s the next step? How about a looming Mothership, so large and close up that it almost seems to cover the Moon? Photographers in Florida and Hawaii appear to be capturing Motherships.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/15/2024: This is not the ISS, and not any of man's trash or objects in space. This is not Nibiru which is seen from the direction of the Sun. This is indeed a Mothership, very close to Earth thus not as large as assumed. Such photo captures are assisted to occur in clear skies to assist the ongoing disclosure.

Golden Rule

Earth is currently a schoolhouse for young souls, a self-study environment where they are presented with many choices and opportunities to either remain selfish like a newborn baby or to grow and become empathetic to others. This is not an intellectual decision. It is from the heart, and results in action to help others.

ZetaTalk Transformation 7/15/1995: The Earth has been designated as a future home for Service-to-Other oriented entities. To qualify for Service-to-Other orientation, an entity must consider others as often as the self. To qualify for Service-to-Self, the entity must focus on the self 95% of the time, almost exclusively. Where it may seem that these individuals would stand out, some very diplomatic and cultured people are of this category. They are able to disguise their self interest in condescension to others. They are able to disguise their self interest as the interests of the other.

During 3rd Density, entities must decide their spiritual orientations - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Most, the vast majority, decide the latter on almost all 3rd Density worlds. This decision, or the lesson of 3rd Density as it is called, needs to precede almost all other lessons, as mixing the two spiritual orientations together creates chaos and thus other lessons cannot proceed. Many humans on Earth are choosing the Service-to-Other orientation, and mid-incarnation are thus joining the ranks of the Service-to-Others. The world involves an increasing separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds.

How to recognize a Service-to-Other act? A small gesture can make an immense difference in someone else’s life.  A helping hand can pull someone off the edge where they have slipped and are about to fall. Or it could be the gift of some Amaranth seeds, that lysine rich wholly edible plant that would allow a family to have protein in their diet. Or it could be helping a family put the wheel back on their cart, so grandma can make the trip and the babies need not be carried by weary parents. A small thing. Making an immense difference.

ZetaTalk Action 4/26/2008: As we have explained, Earth is a schoolhouse where incarnated souls get a chance to take action, thus sorting out their spiritual orientation - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Humans thus should not anticipate being saved, which is a Biblical reference to having someone other than the self taking action. You are to save yourself by taking action to help others.

ZetaTalk Definition 8/8/2009: In order to be considered Service-to-Others an entity must think of others 50% of the time, the self 50% of the time. Service-to-Others does not mean being a pushover or a slave to the demands of others. Those who are highly Service-to-Others spend more time thinking about the welfare of others, and take action, often a great sacrifice to themselves.

As Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Golden Rule
This rule of conduct is a summary of the Christian’s duty to his neighbour and states a fundamental ethical principle. In its negative form, “Do not do to others what you would not like done to yourselves,” it occurs in the 2nd-century documents Didach? and the Apology of Aristides and may well have formed part of an early catechism. It recalls the command to “love the stranger (sojourner)” as found in Deuteronomy. It is not, however, peculiar to Christianity. Its negative form is to be found in Tob. 4:15, in the writings of the two great Jewish scholars Hillel (1st century BC) and Philo of Alexandria (1st centuries BC and AD), and in the Analects of Confucius (6th and 5th centuries BC). It also appears in one form or another in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates, and Seneca.

Animals will instinctively have empathy for others of their species as they are stirred when one of their own is exhibiting distress. Such as this mother cat who went through fire 5 times to rescue her kittens, despite the pain from her burns.

When the fire was under control, one of the firefighters on the scene, David Giannelli, noticed Scarlett carrying her kittens away from the garage one by one. Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned, and her coat highly singed. The majority of her facial hair had been burnt away. After saving the kittens she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then she collapsed unconscious.

ZetaTalk Comment 7/15/1995: Love, or empathy, is something felt at an early age. Empathy is not an emotion reserved for the intelligent, sentient being alone. Love and empathy are felt by all forms of life, even plant life, to some degree. It is a factor of life. It is intrinsic to life.

Dolphins are known to protect the pod, to protect each other, particularly from shark attack. Sharks are reportedly afraid of dolphins because they know the dolphin pod can kill them by ramming their pointed noses into the soft underbelly of the shark. Per the Zetas, most empathy manifests first within the same species, but the dolphin instinct to rush to the rescue is not limited to their own species. They have repeatedly been shown to defend humans from sharks. From one warm blooded species to another, they obviously care.

Dolphins Rescuing Humans
April 26, 2017
Dolphins in the wild usually help the sick pod mates, supporting them to reach the surface so they can breathe. In Greek and old sea stories, there are dozens of claims of dolphins helping drowning sailors, rescuing people from sharks, and making themselves useful as guides through treacherous waters.

Man Plays Piano to Sooth Ailing, Blind Elephants at Sanctuary in Thailand
October 30, 2018
They say an elephant never forgets, and those at Elephants World in Thailand will certainly never forget Paul Barton. Barton is the man who introduced these elephants to classical music. The first time Barton played his piano at Elephants World, a blind elephant that was eating his breakfast stopped in his tracks when he heard Beethoven for the first time.

For those who are Service-to-Other, it is taking away the pain that another is feeling, or would feel. Like the Grinch who Stole Christmas, whose heart grew 3 sizes the day he discovered empathy, the souls of Service-to-Other people become more wise and massive. Spiritual growth is the goal, here on Earth. So do that. And, as Dr Seuss says of the Grinch who Stole Christmas, “his heart grew three sizes that day”.  Empathy, caring for others, builds the soul.

It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!
And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say
That the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day!