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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 939, Sunday, September 8, 2024
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

Netherlands Blackout

On August 28 the Netherlands had a blackout for several hours, which went beyond being an electrical outage. The airport was closed, the grid down, and social media and cell phones inaccessible. Per the Zetas, arrests of the elite were being done by the White Hats, who imposed the draconian blackout to prevent the elite from escape or warning one another.

Flights Grounded and Police Work Hampered amid Major IT Outages across Netherlands
August 28, 2024
The airport also serves as a military airport operated by the Ministry of Defense. The country’s largest airport, Amsterdam’s Schiphol, has not reported any problems.
Defense Ministry Network Disruption Causes Widespread Outages in the Netherlands
August 28, 2024
Flights were grounded, civil servants were locked out of their computers and police officers resorted to texting one another in the Netherlands on Wednesday as a network outage at the Ministry of Defense caused major IT failures across the country. The alarm and the communications systems for emergency workers were also impacted. The country’s Coast Guard said they were not reachable by phone or radio. Police officers used mobile phones and text messaging to stay in contact rather than their normal communication system. Hospitals, the country’s tax office and the national emergency number 112 were not reporting problems.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/1/2024: The Netherlands blackout was deliberate at the hands of the White Hats in Europe who were conducting extensive arrests of the Cabal leaders during the blackout. Where politicians such as Macron in France and Ursula von der Leyen as the head of the European Union are known to support immigration and Satanism and to support the WEF Great Reset plan to enslave mankind, these were not the targets. The real leaders are individuals unknown to the public who might be watching for who takes sick or suddenly dies.

The hours long outage in the Netherlands prevented these elite from escaping by plane or notifying each other of any arrests ongoing. Phones were down, regular communications via email were down, so the arrestees could be taken by surprise. Notably the EU has been thickly covered by military planes for over a week, busy doing a stealth deportation of migrants. Using military planes instead of commercial cargo planes prevents the public from being aware of the process, thus no warning for the migrants about to be arrested.

But two days later, on August 30, other countries had power failures. Venezuela where Maduro had recently stolen the election and Kenya near the Houthis stronghold had outages on the same day. Is this related to arrests or due to a Nibiru effect?

Venezuela Reports Power Failure across Country
August 30, 2024
A blackout plunged most of Venezuela into darkness early Friday morning, according to Communications Minister Freddy Nanez, who blamed the event on a “sabotage” of the national grid. Venezuela experiences frequent blackouts, which President Nicolas Maduro’s government routinely attributes to unproven conspiracies to overthrow him. The worst countrywide outage to strike Venezuela, in March 2019, lasted several days. Western regions such as Tachira and Zulia, once capitals of the oil industry, experience daily power outages. Maduro’s government has accused the United States and the political opposition of ochestrating the power failures. Opposition leaders and experts, however, blame corruption and a lack of investment and expertise for the outages.
Power Cut Hits Large Parts of Kenya
August 30, 2024
A power cut plunged large parts of Kenya including the capital Nairobi into darkness on Friday, the East African economic powerhouse’s main electricity supplier said. All regions served by the  national network lost power apart from North Rift and parts of the Western Region, Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) said in a statement. Flights at Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, a major regional passenger and freight hub, was unaffected as it switched to back-up power systems and generators, the Kenya Airports Authority said on X. Local blackouts are fairly common in Kenya but the country has recently suffered large-scale power cuts. In August last year, a giant power cut affected almost the entire country for close to 24 hours, including Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

At the same time there have been attacks against social media hosts. The Telegram CEO was arrested in France, and X is under assault in Brazil. These attacks are at the hand of the establishment who fear the public becoming aware of Nibiru.

Telegram’s Durov probed for ‘Serious Acts of Violence’ against his Child in France
August 28, 2024
Pavel Durov, the founder and chief of Telegram, was appearing in a French court Wednesday to face possible charges of failing to curb extremist and illegal content on the popular messaging app after his arrest at the weekend. Russian-born Durov, 39, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris late Saturday. After almost four days of questioning in detention by French investigators he was handed over to judicial authorities who will decide further measures, a source close to the case told AFP.
The Execution of YouTube CEO and Arrest of Telegram CEO are Just the Beginning
August 26, 2024
Ok, now let us talk about the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. To be honest I have mixed feelings about Telegram. On the one hand, I have used it to avoid censorship of my email that I have experienced on other media. They were also the only major social media network not to censor the truth about vaccines and the Covid 19 fraud.

Musk's X Banned in Brazil after Disinformation Row
August 31, 2024
X, formerly Twitter, has been banned in Brazil after failing to meet a deadline set by a Supreme Court judge to name a new legal representative in the country. Alexandre de Moraes ordered the "immediate and complete suspension" of the social media platform until it complies with all court orders and pays existing fines. The row began in April, with the judge ordering the suspension of dozens of X accounts for allegedly spreading disinformation. Reacting to the decision, X owner Elon Musk said: "Free speech is the bedrock of democracy and an unelected pseudo-judge in Brazil is destroying it for political purposes."

The ZetaTalk Team has also found itself under attack. Gerard (who founded the Pole Shift Ning) is hosting a live room on TikTok and has found himself getting fake email from family members asking him to stop. Juan (who founded the ZetaTalk Followers) had his personal FaceBook account deleted. Nancy (founder of the ZetaTalk site) has been assaulted by an aggressive increase in identity theft attempts via email.

Our accounts on FB are being deleted. NO WARNING—Poof, Gone. Our electronic devices are now being hacked and disabled. We are receiving personal threats and intimidation tactics from people pretending to be family members , and, now we are seeing this on X. What's going on? Is it something we said? We must be over the target!

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2024: As the revelation that Nibiru is a real and present danger approaches, the Nibiru coverup is going into panic. Putin and his associates are prepared to announce this to the world with evidence from their astronomers along with images from their probes. The Prongs are expected to confirm all this, as will numerous private sources who have been tracking and imaging the Nibiru Complex for years. This connects the dots for the public who have watched the Daily Earth Wobble create havoc on Earth.

At the helm of the Nibiru coverup is the WEF/Rothschild banking network and the wealthy elite who live on interest from the debt slavery they have demanded. BRICS offers an alternative with reasonable interest rates, and is thus a secondary threat to the Rothschild banks. Knowledge of Nibiru’s presence and pending passage will incite those living along coastlines to want to head inland to the hills, abandoning their mortgages. The wealthy elite fear losing their perch as bank failure and riots and a crashed economy will evaporate wealth.

In all of this, ZetaTalk has been the bearer of the unwanted message. Remove ZetaTalk and there is no Nibiru, essentially. Coming with proven accuracy and precise predictions, the public has been encouraged to go look, and there is the interloper. Takeover attempts fail due to the Mirror Sites and international fame that Nancy has garnered. ZetaTalk is free and widely available. Thus in anticipation of the Nibiru announcement, the Nibiru Coverup is focusing on preventing the legitimate spokespersons from access to the mic. They will be silenced.  

The ZetaTalk team has been experiencing relentless attacks in the form of hacked personal computers, email takeover of family members who set about to scold the team member for their support of the ZetaTalk message, death threats to the team member or their families that include precise name and location of the victim, being banned on FaceBook or TikTok or X for unexplained or trivial reasons, and identity theft attempts. All this will ease when the Nibiru announcement is made, a battle no longer needed. Meanwhile, wear your attack as a badge of honor! Hang tight team.

September Surprise

Insiders warned in August 2024 of a September Surprise. Speculation ensued.

One theory is that this will be the reinstatement of President Trump, who is after all the 2020 winner per Scotus and sworn in on Memorial Day 2023 by the Senate. Remember that special session of the Senate wherein Senators were given Satellite phones?

ZetaTalk Insight 5/22/2023: The special satellite phones issued to US Senators had a specific reason. The rumored Memorial Day bunker vacation for the US Senators and their families is related. Reinstating President Trump has been endlessly delayed due to fears among the Junta that civil war will break out. Now the Junta feels more confident and plans to proceed. The Senate is the arm of Congress that swears in a President. Special interests, who have benefitted from the Biden Administration, would take all steps possible to force Senators to be absent or avoid the vote call. The Junta plans to escort Senators to the bunkers where a vote is to be taken, arresting them if need be. 

Not announced to the public is that SCOTUS long ago found that President Trump was the legitimate 2020 winner. The US Military also has never considered Biden their Commander in Chief. The fact that the US is and has been under Martial Law since the Fall of 2015 is also not public knowledge. If these facts were to be laid before the Senate, and they were forced to do their duty in swearing in the legitimate President, what would be the outcome? In a bunker setting, the Junta could challenge the Fetterman Double and the Feinstein mental competence, and force the Harris VP Double to follow the Constitution. But the outcome, in the hands of man, is uncertain.

President Trump is to be sentenced on September 18 by New York Judge Merchan re the Hush Money trial about Stormy Daniels being paid to not publish her story. Merchan could dismiss the case, based on the SCOTUS ruling, or give President Trump probation or jail time. Meanwhile, the National Guard has been activated for hotels near the courthouse in New York City. Or there is the possibility that the Junta could decide to reinstate President Trump. A sitting president cannot be sued with civil harassment suits, by law. The whole case would just go away.

Will Donald Trump Be Sentenced to Prison in September? What We Know
August 25, 2024
Trump is due to be sentenced on September 18, less than two months before the presidential election.
Judge Juan Merchan delayed the sentencing from July to September so that he could consider the impact of the Supreme Court's recent presidential immunity decision.
Donald Trump asks Federal Court to take over Criminal Hush Money Case and Block Sentencing
August 29, 2024
Former President Donald Trump asked a Manhattan federal court Thursday to block his Sept. 18 criminal sentencing in his hush money case and take over the case going forward. If the federal court agrees, Trump also wants it to set a schedule for him to file a motion to get the 34 guilty verdicts against him tossed out and the entire case dismissed.

New York Police Planning Mass 'Sick Leave' On Trump Sentencing Day? MAGA Claim Viral
August 31, 2024
Laura Loomer, a vocal Donald Trump supporter, tweeted on Friday, citing an unnamed source, that New York police unions are planning a mass "out sick" day following Trump's sentencing on September 18. She also claimed, without evidence, that the New York State National Guard is stationing guardsmen in hotels around the NYC courthouse in anticipation of Trump's possible custody.

Mainland Drop

Radar Circles appeared in Australia in 2009. Per the Zetas, this was particle clumping caused by the radar.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/25/2010: The white areas that look like spokes on a wheel are the lingering results of changes that the radar emissions caused in the atmosphere, a type of coagulation of particles that clump together and then have a dearth in between the spokes. This is very common in particle behavior, as we have explained, the desire for similar particles to clump or group. In this case, the dearth of particles in between the spokes is due to these particles in those locations being swept into a nearby spoke's clumping.

Radar circles have appeared here and there around the globe since 2009, notably over Mexico City in 2014. Astonishingly, this is the epicenter of the Mexico quakes in 2017! Did these 5/18/2014 radar circles predict the 2017quakes? It is known that an electronic screech is caused by compressed rock, and magnetons like to run with electrons, the electro-magnetic marriage.

Now in 2024 the Radar Circles over Mexico have returned. What caused the increase in electronic screech in the rock? The Mainland Portion of N America is dropping and sliding to the SW, steadily.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2024: The electronic screech from ripping rock occurs because the ripping rock layers are being compressed along the edge of the rip, squeezing the air from air pockets so any electricity can flow through the rock, thus the electronic screech. This is a well-known quake predictor, causing such phenomena as radio static. This occurred in 2010 in Australia at the start of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements there. This also occurred in 2014 in South-Central Mexico, with a major quake occurring there in 2017. Significantly, the 2024 Radar Circle has occurred in the same place in Mexico.

During the process of the New Madrid Adjustment, the Mainland Portion drops to the SW. This will result in slip-slide along the San Andreas, squeezing the Hoover Dam, with the Toe of the SE Portion pulling away from the tip of Mexico. Mexico is being pulled to the East with the SE Portion but also pushed down to the SW by the Mainland drop, and this dual tug of war at the tip of Mexico causes ripping rock. There is no clear winner in this tug-of-war, only ripping rock in many directions with the development of new fault lines.

Meanwhile the SE Portion is steadily being pulled eastward. The border region between N America and the Eurasian Plate is pulling apart, expected to create a temporary clapping void along the border. To avoid saying the Nibiru word or alarming the public, any increased SO2 from the magma exposed is blamed on volcanoes in Iceland.

Don't Go Outdoors this Morning! Brits are given Health Alert about a Gas Cloud Tipped to Fill the Skies across the UK
August 24, 2024
Brits have been warned to stay inside as a cloud of corrosive and acidic gas cloud, which can cause serious health problems, engulfs the UK in the early hours of this morning. Weather maps show a huge cloud of sulphur dioxide (SO2), spat out by the recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland, moving across to completely cover the country by 4am. SO2 is predominantly produced from the combustion of coal or crude oil but volcanoes also produce huge quantities of it when they erupt.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2024: What we have been calling the Void area in the N Atlantic is the area most likely to rip open during the New Madrid Rupture. The Azores are a quad plate juncture of the African Plate, the SE Portion of N America, the Mainland Portion of N America and the Eurasian Plate. The Void lies just above this juncture on the border between the Mainland and Eurasian Plate. Clapping will occur there while the Mainland completes the New Madrid Rupture at the Seaway exit. Meanwhile there will be Methane and the accompanying SO2 released from the magma exposed.

If the SO2 warning is due to Iceland volcanoes, then why are Sweden and Norway exempt from the warning? The SO2 maps show this emerging not from Iceland but from the New Madrid Fault Line and the Void.  The Droop map shows that the SE Portion tucking up under the Void is drooping, causing low air pressure to form overhead. The SE Portion is being pulled and stretched there. This area was under Military surveillance during the last day or so, as they are anticipating the Rupture to occur at any time. This Daily Mail article is a New Madrid excuse, established ahead of when needed.