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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 940, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

Nibiru’s Song

On September 1 the ISS crew reported “strange sounds” from their Starliner return capsule. These were described as having a “heartbeat” nature, like underwater sonar.  Listen to the sounds here. NASA was bumfuzzled.

NASA Astronaut Stuck in Space Reports ‘Strange Noises’ coming from Troubled Starliner Capsule
September 1, 2024
A "Pusled Sonar Ping" is coming from the Boeing Starliner spacecraft. A NASA astronaut at the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday reported hearing a "strange noise" coming from the Boeing Starliner spacecraft just days before it is set to leave the station and return to Earth on autopilot. NASA says it is coming from the craft's speakers. A pulsating sound emanating at steady intervals can be heard. The sound is emanating from the speaker inside the Starliner.
The Starliner Spacecraft has Started to Emit Strange Noises
September 1, 2024
It was not immediately clear what was causing the odd, and somewhat eerie noise. As Starliner flies to the space station, it maintains communications with the space station via a radio frequency system. Once docked, however, there is a hardline umbilical that carries audio.

Then at the same time some Russians who used Short Wave reported via email to Nancy that they were getting an increasing incidence of a buzz. This was a known buzz, per Wiki, even given a name – UVB-76. Listen to the sounds on the Wiki article and as captured and recorded by the Russians.

Could our friends the Zetas shed some light on a mysterious radio station that broadcasts coded messages at regular intervals.  Just the other day, on 29.08.2024, it broadcasted as many as 8 encryptions at once, which has never happened before, in the entire history of observation.
UVB-76 also known by the nickname "The Buzzer", is a shortwave radio station that broadcasts in Upper Side Band mode on the frequency of 4625 kHz. It broadcasts a short, monotonous buzz tone, repeating at a rate of approximately 25 tones per minute, 24 hours per day. Sometimes, the buzzer signal is interrupted and a voice transmission in Russian takes place. From its first voice transmission in 1997 to 2010, the station identified itself as UZB-76.

These heart sounds and buzz sounds have the regular rhythm that was featured in the movie Contact. Listen to the sounds as recorded on this YouTube from the movie track.

The 'Contact' Movie Explained
Arroway discovers a signal repeating a sequence of prime numbers sent from the star system Vega about 26 light-years away. Of course, this freaks everyone out. And Drumlin and the National Security Council, led by Michael Kitz, try to take over the facility. Hidden inside the signal is Hitler's opening address at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. While everyone gets very scared, Arroway and her team theorize that this would have been the first signal strong enough to leave Earth's ionosphere, reach all the way to Vega, and then be transmitted back.

There is a curious correlation between Ellie in the Contact story and Nancy Lieder, the ZetaTalk Emissary. Both lost their fathers at about the age of 9 when Ellie's father dropped dead of a heart attack literally at her feet, and Nancy had the same experience at the age of 9 when her father dropped dead of a massive coronary in front of Nancy in the very house she now lives in, the ancestral home. The book Contact was written by Carl Sagan, who said that Ellie’s best friend was Billy Horstman. Nancy’s brother was named William Horstman. Certainly Nancy’s role as a contactee was known to MJ12 at the time, as recorded in Nancy’s recall. Is it coincidence that the sounds in the movie Contact are now coming through to be reported by ZetaTalk?

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/2/2024: Why would a buzz from a short wave station in Russia and the radio communications from the Starliner parked at the ISS suddenly develop a loud buzz or pulsing sound? Both are communicating via radio. It is the presence of Nibiru coming closer and due to the 270 Roll swinging its N Pole toward the Earth. For lack of a better name for this phenomena, you can call it Nibiru’s Song. Radio has long been the communication of choice when trying to broadcast in space, so this should not be a surprise. Yes, this will increasingly interfere with mankind’s communications, but clever technicians might figure out how to filter out these frequencies while Nibiru sings on.

Service-to-Self Harvest

At the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, we were asked about the Transformation and how the separation of the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self would proceed. This is at the center of the Earth’s Transformation process.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/15/1995: The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to- Self orientation, and 68% undecided. These percentages move about a bit. For the Earth to move into 4th Density, the greater part of the populace must be Service-to-Other. We are not talking 51% here, but closer to 89%. During a gradual transformation, this is accomplished by replacement during natural death and birth. The entities incarnating are Service-to-Other, and at a certain point, the planet is ready. Because the Earth undergoes cataclysms, pole shifts, this is taken into consideration by the administrators of your section of the Universe. The Transformation will occur more rapidly.

So why would it be said that the cataclysm can be avoided by behavior changes among humans? If the Earth were to achieve approximately 89% Service-to-Other orientation, prior to the cataclysm, the Earth would move into 4th Density prior to the reappearance of the giant red comet, the 12th Planet. In 4th Density, the giant comet does not have the magnetic pull that it does in 3rd Density. The effects are lessened, though the general occurrences are the same. Where traumatic, the earthquakes are no greater than experienced today, and the tidal waves no greater than what would be experienced during a hurricane. The reason for the lessened effect is the lighter density. Greater mass has greater gravitational pull.

Periodically the Zetas were asked if the percentages given in 1995 had changed, hoping that the magical 89% had been reached so that the traumatic Pole Shift could be avoided. By 2007 there had been some movement. The percentage of STO had increased from 25% to 33%.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/18/2007: For this pole shift, a Transformation process is in place, where those fully into the Service-to-Self orientation will be removed, often before their incarnation as humans has ended, and taken to prison planets to live with their own kind. They will not be returning, will not be reincarnating on Earth. Likewise the undecided in their orientation will be taken elsewhere when the Earth incarnation ends, to a water world which is in 3rd Density to be a form of octopi. This leaves only those in the Service-to-Other orientation, who will reincarnate into the hybrids. These individuals will become acquainted with ourselves, the Zetas, well before their life as a member of the human species is ended in this lifetime. They will be absorbed into our or the hybrid communities. Thus high tech will return, but not in the hands of man, so to speak. Our communities will be high tech, man alone will not be.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/28/2007: We have stated that Earth voted to be a Service-to-Other planet in the future, with the majority of souls having determined to be Service-to-Other. This does not mean that the majority of souls on Earth are solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation. This vote was weighted to consider the number of lifetimes a given soul had experienced, so that old souls had more weight or influence during the vote. Of the 6.5 billion humans on the planet, only about a billion are incarnated with reincarnating souls. The remaining 5.5 or so billion are in a virgin incarnation, which may or may not result in a sparked soul. We have explained that in most situations where an intelligent, conscious life form is available to form a soul, sparking, as we call it, it does not result in a formed soul but results in what we call an aborted soul.

In addition, it takes approximately 1,200 lifetimes for a young soul to determine its orientation, so that even after being sparked, a soul does not fall into the category of being Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. This determination requires that the young soul be thinking of others at least 50% of the time to be considered Service-to-Other, or thinking of self 95% of the time to be considered Service-to-Self. If this decision has not been made by the young soul, then they are considered undecided. So what are the percentages now, among the incarnating souls on Earth? This moves around a bit, as the incidence of Walk-Ins is on the increase due to the distress many humans have with the current Earth changes. An undecided soul may wish to exit, with a solidly Service-to-Other soul incarnating as a Walk-in, boosting the percentage in the general population. Of the billion or so reincarnating souls on Earth, approximately 33% are Service-to-Other, approximately 7% are Service-to-Self, with the remainder being undecided.

By 2008 the Zetas explained that many highly Service-to-Self souls would be taken to their new home on Prison Planets while in human form. Thus they are removed from Earth without waiting for a death. Thus their diminishing percentage on Earth.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/5/2008: Those contactees who agree to go early, before their deaths as humans, are doing so for their benefit. They find themselves in a bad setting, starving, unable to improve their lot by any means they are used to deploying. They are giving the Call to aliens in the Service-to-Self. If these humans are in a setting where their absence will not be noted by other humans, a rule the Council of Worlds has placed so as not to increase the anxiety of humans on Earth during the Transformation, then they may be taken early while in human form. Thus, the setting where this would happen would not be in a gang or a group or a community. The Service-to-Self human would be isolated, and furious about his or her circumstances, and thus by fuming is giving the Call to aliens in the Service-to-Self who would naturally offer a better setting. In their new home, these humans would find they no longer are starving, but life would not be what they expected at all!

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/16/2010: The Earth currently has 6 billion humans, of which only a billion have reincarnating souls. The rest are unlikely to spark a soul. Of the billion, 7% or so are Service-to-Self and will not be incarnating on Earth but will be taken to prison planets for their next incarnation, unless removed in human form to their new homes prior to the end of this incarnation. Of the billion, 30% or so are Service-to-Other and will be incarnating into hybrid bodies which we can produce rapidly, as incubation is assisted artificially so carrying to term in the mother is not required. The remainder of the billion are undecided and will go to a water planet for their next incarnation, and octopi have many eggs.

In 2021 the Zetas explained why the percentage of Service-to-Other had increased due to the presence of Star Children who are in service on planet Earth. Likewise the percentage of Service-to-Self is dropping because they are not being allowed to reincarnate on Earth anymore.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/31/2021: In both 1995 and 2007, when we last gave percentages, we stated that 7% of incarnating souls on Earth were firmly in the Service-to-Self. This percentage has significantly dropped to 4.6% because the population aged and died, and no new incarnations from the Service-to-Self pool have been allowed to occur as a rule. These souls have moved on to the prison planets that await them. There are few exceptions. Another incarnation might be allowed only to someone on the cusp, so they can make their final determination.

In 1995 we stated that 25% of the incarnated souls on Earth were firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation, but by 2007 this had grown to 33%. The Earth’s population had grown from 5 billion in 1995 to 6.5 billion in 2007. All in the Service-to-Other orientation who died and were allowed to reincarnate on Earth. But most of the increase was due to the presence of Star Children, who are either incarnating into newborns or stepping into the bodies of unsparked or undecided humans. At present the percentage of incarnating souls in the Service-to-Other orientation is 47%

For many reasons the population on Earth will change in percentage as a result of the Pole Shift. We and other alien groups communicating to mankind estimated that 90% of the worlds population would die as a result of the Pole Shift. Most live on the coastline or in river bottoms where fishing and boat transport is handy. Even if warned, they will not move to safety. Denial is in sway. Those that have or will move to safety are courageous Service-to-Other individuals. Thus, the population after the Pole Shift will be almost exclusively in the Service-to-Other.

Now in 2024 the percentage of those in the Service-to-Self has plunged to 3.2% What happened? The Zetas explain. The Service-to-Self are being harvested while still in human form.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/2/2024: The reduction in highly Service-to-Self souls occurred because the STS were harvested. They were taken while incarnated, most in human form. Unless one is in their group, their absence would not be noted. That this would happen is recorded in earlier ZetaTalk – the STS taken from the Earth in human form.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/30/2024: As expected, since 2021 the percentage of souls solidly in the STS orientation has been reduced due to the tendency of those in the STS to attempt to control others. Haiti is an example of an STS takeover and the infighting engendered in a Mad-Max environment. This infighting in gangs and resistance from the ever-increasing STO communities has created casualties for the solidly STS, who are now approximately 3.2% of the souls on Earth.

The steady increase in STO incarnated souls has again increased, due to two factors – Undecided souls moving into the STO orientation as they react to the distress of others around them, and Star Children entering the fray. Some of the Star Child growth is due to an Undecided entity wanting out, requesting death so that a Star Child can step in. Thus the number of incarnated STO souls on Earth at present is approximately 52%.

We have stated that the Undecided will constitute the majority of those who die as a result of the coming Pole Shift. Denial is in sway, along with a desire to enjoy the comforts of modern living as long as possible. Like infants, wailing for attention, they will demand social services rather than focus on taking care of themselves or the needs of others.  Courageous Service-to-Other individuals will survive and prevail after the Pole Shift, so the population after the Pole Shift will be almost exclusively in the Service-to-Other.

Chicken Flocks

The fastest way to start a chicken flock is to contact a hatchery. A flock can be started by placing an order and promptly tending to the chicks when the box arrives. Keep them warm and out of drafts. Baby chicks learn to drink from the mama hen, so as just hatched you will have to show them how to drink. Seriously. Take each chick to the drinking bowl and dip its beak into the water.

Chickens will eat almost anything. You can toss them a melon rind and they will consume the whole thing. If allowed to free range they will clean bugs out of the garden. Make friends very early with your rooster babies so they think of you as a friend, as being attacked by a rooster is no joke. Chickens need little else but a safe place to roost, free range to find the bugs and worms that is their diet, and a touch of Sun for their Vitamin D. Toss the egg shells back as they consume those too, for the calcium.

Chickens As Pets: An Urban Farmstead
December 5, 2008
Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne started keeping chickens in their Echo Park backyard a little more than a year ago. The two are co-authors of "The Urban Homestead," a handbook for city dwellers who want to live off the land as much as possible, and the couple were interested in taking their urban farming experiments a step beyond harvesting artichokes, blueberries and zucchinis. So last summer they purchased four chicks, and now they are obsessed. Any urban dweller interested in living green has good reason to keep chickens. They reduce garbage by eating your leftovers mixed in with their feed, and they will pick off those irritating caterpillars destroying the vegetable garden. Their poop is an excellent composting aid, and they will even trim your grass and weed for you, if you let them. Added benefits: farm-fresh eggs right from the backyard.

ZetaTalk Suggestion 12/2003: Chickens eat bugs, forage for themselves, and come home to lay their eggs if given a safe and private roost. Ducks likewise eat whatever grows in or around ponds, which will be numerous in the drizzle, and don't require a dry spot to roost. Goats, which eat anything, can likewise be kept within limits if the surrounding country can sustain them.