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ZetaTalk: How to Identify
Note: written during the May 10, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

ZetaTalk is a vast web site, and though well organized due to time constraints those recently learning of the coming changes are desperate to get a short list of what to expect and what to do. In the week or so leading up to rotation stoppage, what can be expected is a continuation of today, extreme weather, quakes in bursts globally, and a gradual slowing of rotation such that clocks never seem to be synched up anymore. Then the day or days before rotation stoppage will increase this slowdown such that minutes, then hours, then a total stop will occur. In other words, you will have but two days notice, and the first of those days doubtful as it will involve minutes, not seconds, and clocks being off already this will be a confused point. It is the day when the Sun sets hours later than expected that should be the trumpet in the skies, the flashing red light, the announcement you have been waiting for that now is the moment to drop all and rush to your safe location.

Up until rotation stops, the crust of the Earth is under stress but dealing with it as before, with increased quakes and weird weather and melting poles, but only a slight increase day to day in these matters. When rotation stops, the core is trying to turn, the crust locked in place by the approaching Planet X grip on the strong magnetized Atlantic Rift, and dramatic changes occur. The Earth moans, and the stretch along the Atlantic will snap bridges, tear electric and phone lines, and derail trains. This is where imploding buildings will occur, as the underlying infrastructure will move, collapsing the buildings overhead. In areas of compression, where mountain building is occurring or along the Pacific Rim, volcanic activity will greatly increase. A stopped rotation will affect the atmosphere, in that wind current will be more extreme, moving cold air primarily to warm places, which can result in more tornado activity in those areas affected. Likewise, ocean currents will move differently, cold water rushing more rapidly to those warm areas, and swirling. This will create more hurricane or typhoon type activity in those areas affected.

The hurricane force winds persist for an hour or more after the shift, as the atmosphere adjusts. Except as a caution to watch for falling structures around you, broken glass, fearful animals that might attack if they feel they are blocked, there is no reason not to emerge from your trenches. It is over, and picking up the pieces and comforting the injured and devastated can start.

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