Clipper's Results
- Early Summer Report
- Dang it Mike, you make us all look bad. Which brings me up to a good point. Record keeping. I kept
no records what so ever this year. Next year I will. Maybe at least on a monthly basis, I will write
down what I have done or observed in my hopefulness of a perpetually perfect and proportionately
planted or potted plant for preliminary procedures. Yeah, say that ten times real fast.
- Fall Report
- I had a small garden this year here at the house. Planted with seeds from the store. I had good
success with the peas, but the best success was the green cabbage (from green house plants). We had
12 plants with cabbage heads about six to eight inches across when we cut them down. They would
have gotten bigger probably, but this darn moose and her calves decided it was their garden. If I
hadn't cut them, they would have. On the other hand, we planted red cabbage but it never went to
head. Strange.
- I lost the last of the peas due to the moose. Next year, my huskies chain will be able to reach the
edge of my garden area. Bonehead (his name) won't put up with that. I hope. All the clippings from
the garden went to compost for next year.