Pink Dolphin
Rare Pink Dolphin Seen in Louisiana Lake
July 03, 2007
- A charter-boat captain from Lake Charles, La., photographed a rare pink
dolphin a couple of weeks ago in Calcasieu Lake, an estuary just north of the
Gulf of Mexico in southwestern Louisiana. According to Calcasieu Charter
Service's Web site, Capt. Erik Rue was on the lake June 24 with fishing
customers when five dolphins came into view - four normal-looking gray ones,
and a bright pink one that appeared to be an adolescent. "It appears to be an
uncanny freak of nature, an albino dolphin, with reddish eyes and glossy pink
skin," the Web site reads. "It is small in comparison to the others it is traveling
with and appears to be a youngster traveling with mama." There is a species of
pink dolphin that lives in the Amazon River in South America, but this one
appears to be a more common bottlenose dolphin.