Article: <5bc4be$>
From: )
Subject: Re: PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain
Date: 13 Jan 1997 01:49:34 GMT
In article <5b91pq$4m4@news.Hawaii.Edu> David Tholen
> Orbits definitely do not remain as a constant in the
presence of
> perturbations. I'm simply pointing out that an orbit whose
> eccentricity has been increased as the result of a
> (what you seem to be referring to as "going wide")
could have
> its eccentricity decreased by a subsequent perturbation
> will not "stay wide", as you put it).
You're saying what I said you were saying, that they neatly balance each other out! The Zetas wish to add to this.
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COULD have, COULD have, but DO they? NO!
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