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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article <5c0pn1$>
From: )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 20 Jan 1997 21:56:49 GMT

In article <5bo4fn$> Greg Neill writes:
> 3. You refuse to provide any specific data by which your own
> pet theory can be scrutinized.
> 4. You have not pointed out any contradictions in gravitational
> theory, only asserted that contradictions exist. As evidence,
> you claim all sorts of effects that have never been observed.
> (Greg Neill)

Not observable to humans? You're watching the slow rotation of planets all the time. Centrifugal force does NOT explain the distance kept from the sun. During all the discussions on Centrifugal Force NO one has been able to explain why centrifugal force should remain constant when there is an obvious drag backward toward the sun that would degrade the forward straight line motion of the planets. By the way, Greg, this can be scrutinized and modeled and observed.

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] excerpt on Cnetrifugal Force)
The gravity tug is not strictly a sideways tug, as in all cases the planet's path is pointed away from the sun, however slightly. For any given instant moment:

  1. draw a line representing the planet's straight line path,
  2. draw a second line representing the path the planet is being set upon by the gravity tug, essentially a second tangent to the sun,
  3. the angle between these two lines is the degree of backward tug that the planet is experiencing.

Thus, there is erosion in the forward motion, which is not a thing but a reaction.
(End ZetaTalk[TM] excerpt on Cnetrifugal Force)