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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <5c0pou$>
From: )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 20 Jan 1997 21:57:50 GMT

In article <5bo4fn$> Greg Neill writes:
> 2. You have not offered countering explanations, only wild-eyed
> chanting of mystic force mantras.
> (Greg Neill)

No countering explanations? Given that you agree that the solar wind and magnetic fields are NOT "mystic force mantras", what is so odd in pointing out that planet revolutions are BEST explained by keeping step with revolutions within the core of the sun? The planets all revolve in one direction, lining up on an ecliptic plane with each other, are affected more greatly when of a smaller size (i.e. revolve more rapidly) - ALL facts that line up better with the Zetas explanation than any YOU can offer, which by the way is nil. I'll repost a bit of ZetaTalk on planet revolutions, in the Zetas own words. Your better explanation, Greg? We'll try not to laugh and point out that YOUR explanation is worse than "mystic force mantras", its illogical and fails to take into account what stares you in the face!

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] excerpt on Planet Revolutions)
What keeps the planets, perpetually, the same distance from the Sun and their motion around the Sun at the same pace? Understanding only part of the phenomena, and unable to admit they do not understand, humans have engaged in elaborate mathematical descriptions of the motion they observe, but descriptions do not suffice as an explanation.

This other impetus, which does exist, has the same basis as the magnetic alignment of the Earth and her Sun. This influence reaches beyond the Solar System, and dictates motion within the Sun not visible to mankind but nevertheless present. Just as the core of the Earth revolves at a speed dictated by the thickness of the Earth's liquid core, to chase away from or toward magnetic influences that exist in the Solar System, just so the Sun's core rotates, dragging her children around her like baubles on the ends of her apron strings.
(End ZetaTalk[TM] excerpts on Planet Revolutions