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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <5c0q32$>
From: )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 20 Jan 1997 22:03:14 GMT

In article <5blsh8$> Greg Neill writes:
>> Let us rephrase in keeping with the facts. Kepler's handy
>> little equation could ONLY exist if the repulsion force were
>> present, keeping the planets from going into the Sun directly.
> Your "fact" above is contradicted by reality, and therefore is no
> fact at all. Please refer to the above references for details. The
> only "repulsion force" required is that of centrepital force,
> which is observable.
> (Greg Neill)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
We've come full circle. Having pointed out that centrifugal force does NOT explain why the planets continue to revolve, using YOUR OWN HUMAN EXPERIMENTS TO DEMONSTRATE THIS, Greg is now back to the beginning, pretending that these arguments were never posted. We will ask our emissary, Nancy, to repeat the arguments Greg is pretending were never posted.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM] excerpt on Centrifugal Force)
For any given instant moment:

  1. draw a line representing the planet's straight line path,
  2. draw a second line representing the path the planet is being set upon by the gravity tug, essentially a second tangent to the sun,
  3. the angle between these two lines is the degree of backward tug that the planet is experiencing.

Thus, there is erosion in the forward motion, which is not a thing but a reaction. In order to keep the planet continuously revolving, there must be a push, and a push there is. It is caused by the swirling matter in the sun's core, which creates fields of influence such as magnetic fields that affect the orbiting planets to varying degrees depending upon their composition. Why do you suppose that planets orbit all in the same direction? Is it by accident that this same pattern presents in all solar systems?
(End ZetaTalk[TM] excerpt on Centrifugal Force)