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Article: <5caj95$>
From: )
Date: 24 Jan 1997 15:08:21 GMT

In article <> David Knisely writes:
> She attacks the facts of science
> from Astronomy and Space
> to goad the learned masses
> into responding to her case.
> "David W. Knisely" <>

Here's what I have to say to YOU, Shepherd of the Sheep of sci.astro. You know what you're doing, pointing in the wrong direction at something you call Hale-Bopp and saying "there, there's the millennium comet!", touted without any evidence whatsoever as having an orbital period of 3,600 years, and coming FROM Sagittarius rather than going TO Sagittarius. I'll bet YOU've got a snug place to sit out the coming cataclysms, David, and plenty of money to do it with too. Below, an ode to YOU, dark Shepherd leading the Sheep astray.

The Shepherds of sci.astro 
	are used to lofty heights.
Whatever they say, whatever they do
	they are always, always RIGHT.

The Earth is due for some rock and roll
	and sloshing about, no doubt,
As Marduk, or Wormwood, or Nibiru to some
	plans to wield its mighty clout.

Knowing the truth, and fearing the din,
	the Shepherds hatched a plot!
They take to the hills, and save their own skins
	telling the masses the threat was a not!

Smug in their towers and loving themselves
	they cared not for mankind's poor lot.
If THEY could survive and cooperate well
	then they would come out on top.

Thus a plot was hatched, Hale-Bopp it was called,
	to distract the Sheep from the truth
The comet had come, the comet had gone,
	as without the Hubble, where's the proof?

And David the Knisley, asleep in his bed
	smiled during his slumber and dreams
Smug in the knowledge that the Shepherds, they rule
	with all lies accepted, it seems.

And what of the children, to be starving and scared
	alone in a world upside down
At a loss for their parents and with no one to care
	poor Lambs of dumb Sheep, lost and alone.