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Re: nancy, are you afraid?

Article: <5e247t$>
From: )
Subject: Re: nancy, are you afraid?
Date: 14 Feb 1997 16:35:09 GMT

In article <> Chris Scott writes:
> Math is a univesal language and can be as simple as base 2.
> If the Zetas in your head can teach you a concept, over hours
> or days, they can surely teach you a few equasions.
> Christopher Scott <>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
We have explained over and over again why our emissary, Nancy, could not discuss matters with you effectively in your chosen language mathematics.

  1. she does not speak this language except in, shall we say, broken math
  2. this language is not more effective at communicating our concepts than the words she is using, as your math has deficiencies and more to the point, errors in concepts that are inherent.

Yet you persist in insisting this be THE vehicle for discussion! Tell you what, Chris, if you think that anyone should be able to pick up math to the level of calculus, which is what is being discussed here, and relativity in some cases, then turnabout should be fair play, should it not?

Post onto this message board, from now on, in Chinese. Should be simple enough for you to do so, and for the readership to follow. After all, millions around the world speak in Chinese! Remember, you and the readership are to fit this into your busy day, no assistance from other humans. If your hypothesis is correct, Chris, there should be no breakdown in communications, no miscommunications, and no slow down in the process. In fact, what you would find would be that:

  1. you cannot communicate at ALL in the language, and none understand you
  2. you find you cannot formulate your concepts into this language, as there are no words in your head to match the concepts you wish to portray.

So why would you want this to be the situation for our emissary, Nancy, Chris. Do you wish our postings to stop? Do you wish for her to fail? You've accused her of cowardice when she has been out on the battlefield in the midst of horrendous harrassment, unfailing in her courage! What's your problem? If you can't keep up with the debate, or can't win, just STOP. No one is calling anyone to account in this matter, as you may have noticed.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])