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Re: HB Photos at

Article: <5e24ed$>
From: )
Subject: Re: HB Photos at
Date: 14 Feb 1997 16:38:37 GMT

In article <01bc1941$d1e2c680$>
Russell Sipe writes:
> We have redesigned the HB Magazine section of
> and have added some dramatic photos
> of the comet. Please stop by and visit:
> "Russell Sipe" <>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
We do hope the sheep of sci.astro do not allow the shepherds to lead them through what is supposed to be the perihelion of the grandest comet of them all by looking at PICTURES. Aren't they supposed to be able to see this for themselves? Isn't this a naked eye object? Isn't is supposed to blaze across the sky, filling 1/3 of the visible sky? Isn't this comet supposed to be so monstrous that descriptions of its size leave astronomers gape mouthed? Wasn't it supposedly outgassing so far out past Jupiter that it broke all records in this regard, so ould be expected to outgas wildly when close to the Sun? Can't photos be touched up? Isn't this man firmly in bed with Hale and the others so merrily pulling the wool over the gullible public's eyes? Ever wonder why they have this so-called comet arriving on April 1?

(End ZetaTalk[TM])