Article: <5e7ua2$>
From: )
Subject: Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW (1-6)
Date: 16 Feb 1997 21:30:42 GMT
In article <5e64fs$3pj@news.Hawaii.Edu> David Tholen
>> Hyakutake was a REAL comet. Note that NASA and JPL
>> and the IAU didn't announce that it had a 3,200 to 4,000
>> year orbit, as they did with their fraud Hale-Bopp.
> I could go on for at least 300 more comets, all seen just
> all with orbits published by the IAU.
As usual David misses the point, and probably on purpose. The issue is ascribing the RETURN of a first time comet. PRIOR to Hale-Bopp this wasn't done, I believe, or at least was wildly speculative. AFTER Hale-Bopp this may have been done somewhat by the IAU, due to the questions that were raised about what it said re Hale-Bopp. Why did Brian Marsden hop out of the restraurant on one foot? Oh, he does that all the time! And thereafter Brian hops on one foot all the time, just to show that's the case.