Article: <5ejdd4$>
From: )
Subject: Re: Tholen Caught DOCTORING Hale-Bopp Images! - 1
Date: 21 Feb 1997 05:55:48 GMT
In article <5eikkd$3c8@news.Hawaii.Edu> David Tholen
>> Remember when David Tholen complained that Shramek
>> was using one of HIS images, had lifted his image and
>> modified it to show that stupid fake
"companion" thing?
> The comparison was with an image provided to Art Bell and
> Whitney Strieber by Courtney Brown and Prudence Calabrese.
David, a comparison requires TWO THINGS.
YOUR image is what its being compared to, as you accused Shramek of stealing/lifting/copying/snitching your image and modifying it, did you not?