Article: <5f2si9$>
From: )
Subject: Re: Hale-Bopp ZIG-ZAG ORBIT
Date: 27 Feb 1997 02:46:33 GMT
In article <5etjn3$> Lamont
Granquist writes:
> Those RA and Dec predictions (should) have error bars on
> them. How do the later predictions compare to the earlier
> ones _with the error bars_?
Lamont, the 4 postings I made regarding aberrations in the Orbital Elements the JPL posted in late May and then again in late June, '96, were intended to highlight
There is no error bar, as this would imply a CORRECT orbit. Since this is all NASA's games, to keep folks from looking to Orion at this time, and to make them think the millennium comet had come and gone, there IS no correct orbit. Thus, no error bar.