ZetaTalk: Anxieties
Note: added during the Dec 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Reactions to the changing times are varied, and in only a few cases represent preparations, most often representing stress reactions. Individuals expecting to reduce
their live, to live more simply, will not necessarily eat less, exercise more, or have their teeth fixed. All these changes are short term, as rotting teeth will return, and
someone slightly overweight might find this well packed meal handy.
- What are symptoms of true preparation? Substantial moves, such as leaving the city and moving to rural areas, for one. Practicing gardening, or fishing with
simple tools, or walking about in the country side munching on weeds or bugs. These are serious steps, that directly relate.
- What are symptoms of anxiety, or self concern, or simply trying to adjust to society to increase security by fitting in? Getting fit, trim, learning a new
language, experimenting with recipes, or getting up earlier in the day can be interpreted as the type of activity one undertakes to be considered more fit, a
better citizen, a more desirable spouse or date.
- The types of activities that are true preparation for survival after the shift are so odd as to be the last chosen by those trying to be a good citizen, or spouse,
or date. Does one work with hand tools in the basement, on wood? Hod odd, when power tools are the cool thing. Does one plant vegetables, in the yard
formerly used for golf swings? How odd, when the boss does not garden, but golfs.
Thus, those who suspect they are subconsciously preparing for the shift can line their new activities up against what is really required, or alternatively up against
what society would approve of. Which fits? This will determine what you are up to!
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