Who was Immanuel Velikovsky?
He was a peer of Einstein, and they played chess together often.
In fact, when Einstein died, he was in the process of reading his friend Velikovsky's book, Earth in Upheaval, as he was found sprawled over this
book, laid open on his desk, when he died.
Or perhaps there was something particularly upsetting, in the book.
Einstein was aware of periodic global cataclysms, the puzzle as to why they occurred, an issue he and Velikovsky debated, apparently.
Einstein espoused Hapgood's sliding crust theory, as an explanation for wandering poles, stating this was the best explanation for what the Earth stands
in evidence of.
Sliding crust, periodic cataclysms?
If this sounds like pole shift caused by the periodic passage of the Planet of the Crossing, aka Nibiru or Planet X, that's exactly what everyone was
looking at and trying to puzzle out.
But at the time, they were only suspecting a passing planet might have caused the chaos, because folklore reported this had been sighted.
During the era of Einstein and Velikovsky, knowledge of Planet X was not yet in available.
It was discovered in 1983 by NASA and JPL, and Sitchin's translations of ancient Summerian documents, detailing their knowledge of the Planet of the
Crossing, Nibiru, passing through every 3,600 years, had not yet been done.
Thus, Einstein and Velikovsky puzzled, looking at the evidence the Earth provided.
- ZetaTalk: Velikovsky, written on Aug 15, 1995.
- Immanuel Velikovsky was a genius on par with Einstein, which is a fact seldom mentioned by his detractors. Both he and Einstein were
Star Children, and indeed were friends who engaged in the type of friendly argument only two geniuses could engage in.
Velikovsky's Mission was to set mankind to thinking about the periodic cataclysms that have so dramatically left their mark on the
Earth and human history. Like Einstein, he was berated for presenting what most of mankind does not want to think about - bad news.
Mountains obviously thrown skyward under extreme pressure, the ruins of great civilizations with no reason for demise, flash frozen
carcasses of healthy mastodons with no evident cause of death - all this is put over the wall and not dealt with.
Was Velikovsky vilified?
No pun intended, but he was indeed attacked, his books documenting solid evidence of what the Earth herself says about periodic cataclysms, banned
from libraries and schools.
Ages in Chaos and his second book, Worlds in Collision, dealt with the period around the Jewish Exodus, the time of the last pole shift.
Ages in Chaos documented the physical history of the era, and Worlds in Collision had as it's emphasis the political and cultural history.
In Velikovsky's words, from the forward in his book, Ages in Choas:
- Ages in Chaos, forward
- Unable to prove the book or any part of it wrong or any quoted document spurious, the members of that group indulged in outbursts
of unscientific fury. They suppressed the book in the hands of its first publisher by the threat of a boycott of all the company's
Despite the fact that when the book was already on the presses the publisher agreed to submit it to the censorship of three prominent
scientists and it passed that censorship. When a new publisher took the book over, this group tried to suppress it there, too, by threats.
They forced the dismissal of a scientist and an editor who openly took an objective stand, and thus drove many members of academic
faculties into clandestine reading of Worlds in Collision and correspondence with its author.
Why? Because he carried a message that frightened people, the message that such cataclysms had happened to mankind before, and could happen
The messenger was attacked. Not an uncommon story. as I, the ZetaTalk emissary delivering the ZetaTalk message about the coming pole shift, know
Carl Sagan, more or less on his death bed, had this to say about Velikovsky.
- Quote from Carl Sagan, in his book Cosmos, 1980, page 91.
- The worst aspect of the Velikovsky affair is not that his hypotheses were wrong or in contradiction to firmly established facts, but that
some who called themselves scientists attempted to suppress Velikovsky's work.
Science is generated by and devoted to free inquiry: the idea that any hypothesis, no matter how strange, deserves to be considered on
its merits. The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and politics, but it is not the path to knowledge; it has
no place in the endeavor of science.
Velikovsky's books, published before his death in 1955, when out of print, But I got my set of his three books from
Buccaneer Books, Inc.,
P.O. Box 168,
Cutchogue, New York 11935.
Velikkovsky's approach was scientific, using well documented evidence and cross checking everything, looking for patterns.
In his words:
- Ages in Chaos, forward
- I searched the records of one land after another and went from one generation to another, taking from everywhere hints and clues,
evidence and proof. Because I had to discover and to collate them, this book is written like a detective story.
Why was it necessary to be a detective, and put the pieces of the puzzle together?
Because after a pole shift, written record keeping goes to heck, and records get lost.
It is without argument that the Egyptian census keepers stopped taking the census, and the records were strewn about, with no other cause for the
wreck than a geological catastrophe.
The Jewish slaves walked away from their master, old women and toddlers alike.
Egyptian record keeping did not pick up again for hundreds of years, a gap great enough that no one is certain, from the records, just WHEN the
Jewish Exodus occurred.
- ZetaTalk: Lost Records, written on Sep 15, 1999.
- During cataclysms, and for many hundreds of years following, people become terribly discombobulated. Look what happened to the
Egyptian records after the last pole shift. The Jewish Exodus occurred, with the Jews able to leave their slavehood taking their old,
their lame, and their babes in arms with them.
They escaped, one and all from their captors, not because they were all that swift, but because their captors were very distracted. The
hail, the insects disturbed by the groaning in the Earth and running in every direction, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, and the
fact that they were experiencing a very long day, the Sun quite noticeably slowed in its progression across the sky - all this distracted
the Egyptians.
After the last cataclysms, the very careful Egyptian records which kept census, the grain stores which maintained the rich - all this
went to Hell. And for centuries afterwards, people lost track of just how many years passed until records began to be kept again. This
happened all over the world, during each cataclysm. What happened to the great cities of China? Records are disrupted.
Because the conclusion, that the catastrophe experienced during that era was great and caused by a passing body in the sky, the message was rejected,
attacked as being only folklore, based on stories, and thus a wrong conclusion.
Thus, his last book, Earth in Upheaval, took the focus on concentrating on geological evidence, collected by OTHERS, in other words, scientific and
unarguable FACT.
What are some of the FACTS that Velikovsky located and put as pieces of the puzzle into the whole?
I quote from Earth in Upheaval.
- Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval
The Ivory Islands, pages 4-6
- In 1797 the body of a mammoth, with flesh, skin, and hair, was found in northeastern Siberia. The flesh had the appearance of freshly
frozen beef; it was edible, and wolves and sled dogs fed on it without harm. The ground must have been frozen ever since the day of
their entombment; had it not been frozen, the bodies of the mammoths would have putrefied in a single summer, but they remained
unspoiled for some thousands of years. In some mammoths, when discovered, even the eyeballs were still preserved.
(All) this shows that the cold became suddenly extreme .. and knew no relenting afterward. In the stomachs and between the teeth of
the mammoths were found plants and grasses that do not grow now in northern Siberia .. (but are) .. now found in southern Siberia.
Microscopic examination of the skin showed red blood corpuscles, which was proof not only of a sudden death, but that the death was
due to suffocation either by gases or water.
Was Velikovsky wrong? Not by a long shot.
Recently more evidence, and more carcasses, have been unearthed, one in Finland, an episode that was published in Discovery magazine and on TV
shows in 1999.
I quote from the pages of the Troubled Times website.
According to Discovery magazine, April 1999, the American Mastodon roamed here for about 4 million years until about
11,500 years ago. Another type, the Mammuthus primigenius, roamed around 400,000 years until 3,900 years ago. Both
extinction times could be multiples of 3,600 years.
The heyday of the woolly mammoth was the Pleistocene Epoch, stretching from 1.8 million years ago to the end of the last ice
age 11,000 years ago. Mammoths thrived particularly well in Siberia, where dry grasslands once stretched for hundreds of
miles, supporting a vibrant ecosystem of mammoths, bison, and other jumbo herbivores. ..
The mammoth fossils on Wrangel Island are the youngest that have ever been found. It was there, apparently, that mammoths
made their last stand. They died out only 3,800 years ago.
Then, an excerpt from a recent Discovery program on the frozen mammoth carcasses:
It had always been thought that the mammoth died out about ten thousand years ago, with the end of the ice age, but the tusk
appeared to be 7,000 years old. It was so unlikely, so Buttanyan tested five more tusks, but the new dates pointed to an even
more remarkable conclusion.
Hidden up here [Rangell Island] in the Arctic, the mammoth hadn't just survived the end of the ice age, it was walking these
hills at the time of the Egyptian Pharaos, only 3500 years ago. This discovery has led to the re-examination of the complex
chain of 'cause and effect' that made mammoths die out everywhere else.
And the Zetas state it is NO accident that their frozen state indicates the crust of the Earth moved INTO the polar circle.
This is what happens during pole shifts.
- ZetaTalk: Mastodons, written on Jul 15, 2001
- The Mastodon [or mammoth] is a species that went extinct during the past few pole shifts, primarily when the grasslands they
browsed in Siberia were drawn rapidly into the new polar circle. But where drawn into water and drown, and then far enough north,
the Mastodons were flash frozen.
If the Mastodons were not flash frozen, they would be in some sort of state of decay - perhaps the skin preserved, but the internal
organs a mush. This is not the case, as your recent documentaries on the frozen state of these preserved beasts shows!
So if flash frozen, and frozen steadily since that date, then how did the Mastodons get green grass and buttercups in their stomachs? A
fast trot to the Arctic Circle? Does anyone presume they ate snow? These were herbivors! Their grasslands were moved during poles
The remains of Mastodons that were not far enough into the polar circle to be completely frozen are bones and the ivory that has been
harvested from the Ivory Islands for centuries. The bodies rotted, the Ivory did not. A wealth of ivory, with no flesh to disturb those
shipping the tusks off to become piano keys.
I quote again from Earth in Upheaval.
- Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval
Dropped Ocean Level, pages 181-183
- Daly observed that in a great many places all around the world there is a uniform emergence of the shore line of 18 to 20 feet. In the
southwest Pacific, on the islands belonging to the Samoan group but spread over two hundred miles, the same emergence is evident.
Nearly halfway around the world, at St. Helena in the South Atlantic, the lava is punctuated by dry sea caves, the floors of which are
covered with water-worn pebbles, now dusty because untouched by the surf. The emergence there is also 20 feet.
At the Cape of Good Hope caves and beaches also prove recent and sensibly uniform emergence to the extent of about 20 feet.
Marine terraces, indicating similar emergence, are found along the Atlantic coast from New York to the Gulf of Mexico; for at least
1,000 miles along the coast of eastern Australia; along the coasts of Brazil, southwest Africa, and many islands in the Pacific, Atlantic,
and Indian Oceans.
The emergence is recent as well as of the same order of magnitude, (20 feet). Judging from the condition of beaches, terraces, and
caves, the emergence seems to have been simultaneous on every shore.
In (Daly's) opinion the cause lies in the sinking of the level of all seas on the globe. Alternatively, Daly thinks it could have resulted
from a deepening of the oceans or from an increase in their areas. Of special interest is the time of the change. Daly estimated the
sudden drop of oceanic level to (have occurred) some 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.
There's that multiple of 3,600 again!
Was Velikovsky wrong? Not by a long shot!
- Scientists Challenge Conventional Sea Level Theory
ABC News, December 3, 1999
- Australian scientists say they have discovered evidence of rapid change in world sea levels and of a dramatic fall in geologically recent
times - directly challenging current conventional wisdom.
Dr Robert Baker of the University of New England, in the New South Wales country town of Armidale, has tapped the secrets of worm
coatings on once-submerged rocks to shake established theory that sea levels are presently as high as they have ever been.
Based on height measurements of worm coatings on rocks now well above sea level, and carbon dating tests which show them to be as
recent as 3,500 years old, Baker argues that sea levels have not been steady since the last ice age, as is commonly believed.
Instead, he told Australia's ABC television, it changed rapidly 3,000-5,000 years ago. It means that the whole natural system is
unstable. Baker and his colleagues at New England University say the sea level may have fallen quickly 3,500 years ago, by as much
as a meter in just 10-50 years.
The conventional wisdom has been that sea levels haven't been higher. (Contrary) evidence was something that they weren't prepared
to accept. Baker's theories, which he first aired 20 years ago, were initially rejected, but are now about to receive a wider audience
with their publication in the respected journal Marine Biology.
3,500 years ago? Humm, pretty close to that 3,600 signature we're tracking.
And if humans struggle with the cause, the Zetas, as usual, can explain.
- ZetaTalk: Prior Shift, written on Mar 15, 1998.
- You will not find the prior South Pole, as there, out over water, a 3,600 old melt and rebuilding left no trace. But the prior North Pole
should leave no doubt, as the Island of Greenland, with volcanoes melting the glaciers away in great floods, is still more heavy with ice
than all that has accumulated over the current water born poles to date, within the past 3,600 years.
Prior to the last pole shift there was a slightly colder Europe, a slightly warmer Russia. And why did the continents rend, so that the
oceans dropped such a significant degree into the rifts, during the last shift? The crust was jerked to and fro, rapidly.
The violent passage was enough to heave the floor of the Red Sea, and to heap the waters up into glass mountains, so a desperate
band of Jews could dash forward to safety, with this dash their only choice other than a brutal and vengeful death for all.
If the deep ocean rift in the Atlantic was where the waters of the oceans went, to drop the sea level 18-20 feet worldwide,
has this ever been the reverse?
I quote from the respected Journal Science.
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Key to Sudden Sea Level Rise
University of Toronto, April 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3
- Physicists from Canada, the United States and Britain have concluded that a massive and unusually abrupt rise in sea level about
14,000 years ago was caused by the partial collapse of ice sheets in Antarctica, solving a mystery scientists have been heatedly
debating for more than a decade.
Near the end of the last Ice Age, the Earth's sea level rose over 20 metres - four times faster than usual for that time period and at
least 20 times faster than sea levels are rising now, report geophysicists. The cause of this event - called the global meltwater pulse 1A,
first identified in 1989 - has been unknown until now.
The scientists say their research not only pinpoints the source of the meltwater pulse, it also makes the case that significant climatic
events can occur very rapidly and unpredictably.
There's that 3,600 signature again, as 14,200 is a precise multiple of 4 * 3,600!
Frozen mammoths and mastodons, falling and rising sea levels, what else?
I quote again from Earth in Upheaval.
- Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval
Shifting Poles, pages 111, 44, and 46
- All other theories of the origin of the Ice Age having failed, there remained an avenue of approach which already early in the
discussion was chosen by several geologists: a shift in the terrestrial poles. If for some reason the poles had moved, old polar ice would
have moved out of the Arctic and Antarctic circles and into new regions.
The glacial cover of the Ice Age could have been the polar icecap of an earlier epoch. The continent of Antarctica is larger than
Europe. It has not a single tree, not a single bush, not a single blade of grass. Very few fungi have been found. Storms of great velocity
circle the Antarctic most of the year.
Shackleton, during his expedition to Antarctica in 1907 found fossil wood in the sandstone. Then he discovered 7 seams of coal. The
seams are each between 3 and 7 feet thick. Associated with the coal is sandstone containing coniferous wood.
Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean is as far north from Oslo in Norway as Oslo is from Naples. Heer identified 136 species of fossil plants
from Spitsbergen. Among the plants were pines, firs, spruces, and cypresses, also elms, hazels, and water lilies.
At the northernmost tip of Spitsbergen Archipelago, a bed of black and lustrous coal 25 to 30 feet thick was found. (Spitsbergen) is
buried in darkness for half the year and is now almost continuously buried under snow and ice.
At some time in the remote past corals grew and are still found on the entire fringe of polar North America - in Alaska, Canada, and
Greenland. In later times fig palms bloomed within the Arctic Circle.
Hapburg, a compatriot of Velikovsky, suggested that a crustal shift was the most like explanation for the wandering poles phenomena, and it certainly is
an explanation for the Ice Ages.
How could it be that the last Ice Age, over France, was possible when at the SAME TIME Siberia, at the same latitude, was warmer, grasslands,
where great numbers of mammoths grazed, herbivores, cousins of elephants, needing to eat grass, year round.
Did the Sun wink out as it passed over France, then blaze when it passed over Siberia?
Clearly, France was further North, and Siberia further South, at that time.
- ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles, written on Feb 15, 2002.
- Confusion exists over why the ice in Antarctica dates back, apparently, for many pole shift periods. If one analyses the last few shifts,
it becomes apparent that the South Pole was either over, part way, Antarctica, or nearby in the ocean.
When a pole is over water, near land, the land mass retains its ice, under the influence of this large block of ice afloat. This is due to
cold water washing against the land mass, as well as air currents. As we have stated in ZetaTalk,
The prior shift moved the North Pole from Greenland to its present location. Prior to that, it was over the East Siberian Sea, having
pulled Siberia northward where the largest number of mammoth dieoff occurred. Tracing the North Pole over the past few shifts, one
sees that it spent a time over Scandinavia where it resided between the 4th and 5th shift back.
When it moved from Scandinavia into the Arctic north of Siberia, Europe warmed up, its glaciers melting. Prior to Scandinavia, the
North Pole centered over North America.
The last ice age, over France, supposedly ended 10,000 years ago.
10,800 being a multiple of 3,600, that's pretty close to the 3,600 signature!
According to the September 10, 1996 issue of the Seattle Times
The lodgepole pine forest suddenly died 10,900 years ago (3633 x 3).
"The weather here changed so fast and so severely that the forest of the lodgepole pine that had succeeded Ice Age glaciers
died in a blink."
What happened to make Seattle so suddenly cold, 10,900 years ago?
Why, the crust moved, warming France and Scandinavia, and putting the cold spot someplace else.
Per the Zetas, the Ice Ages over France and Scandinavia were between 4 and 5 pole shifts back.
That would put this time frame from between 14,400 years and 18,000 year ago.
Per Early Man in the New World by Kenneth MacGowan, published in 1950, there are charts of major glacial changes 18,000 years ago (3600 x 5),
25,000 years ago (3570 x 7), 40,000 years ago (3636 x 11), and 65,000 years ago (3611 x 18)!
What about this 3,600 year signature?
What does Velikovsky have to say?
- Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval
Times and Dates, pages 202-203
- Careful investigation by W.A. Johnston of the Niagara River bed disclosed that the present channel was cut by the falls less than 4,000
years ago. And equally careful investigation of the Bear River delta by Hanson showed that the age of this delta was 3,600 years.
The study by Claude Jones of the lakes of the Great Basin showed that these lakes, remnants of larger glacial lakes, have existed only
about 3,500 years. Gales obtained the same result on Owen Lake in California and also Van Winkle on Abert and Summer lakes in
Radiocarbon analysis by Libby also indicates that plants associated with extinct animals (mastodons) in Mexico are probably only
3,500 years old. Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of the Pleistocene fauna were drawn by various field workers in many
parts of the American continent.
Suess and Rubin found with the help of radiocarbon analysis that in the mountains of the western United States ice advanced only
3000 years ago.
The Florida fossil beds at Vero and Melbourne proved - by the artifacts found there together with human bones and the remains of
animals, many of which are extinct - that these fossil beds were deposited between 2,000 and 4,000 years ago.
From observations on beaches in numerous places all over the world, Daly concluded that there was a change in the ocean level,
which dropped sixteen to twenty feet 3,500 years ago. Kuenen and others confirmed Daly's findings with evidence derived from
Others have also taken note.
Lloyd Pye reports:
- 3600 in geo evidence by Lloyd Pye
Quotes from Cyclostratigraphy
- Stratigraphy is the science of reading geological strata, which are ribbon-like layers of rock that were at one time sand, soil, or
volcanic outflow. Sand or soil was washed into place by long extinct rivers, or settled to the bottom of long extinct seas or lakes. Lava
flows appear much quicker and are usually much thicker.
Strata can reveal many things.. What was the magnetic alignment of the Earth when a strata was deposited? Was magnetic north
where it is today? Pointing to the equator? Or to where Zanzibar is now? Strata are the telltales of geologic history. They can provide
views into the past that are often remarkable and sometimes astonishing.
One of the lesser known but highly important aspects of stratigraphy is that it provides an unambiguous record of global catastrophes.
Shifts of the magnetic poles are only one of a range of events chronicled in stone. Earthquakes of great antiquity can be read and
dated. Volcanic eruptions.
Mountains rise and fall. Rivers change course. Flood plains shrink or expand. Glaciers wax and wane. All leave scars on the Earth
that end up in the geologic record. But what causes the seasons to change? Better yet, what causes Ice Ages? What causes the many
fluctuations recorded within each Ice Age? Is there a pattern to any of it? Can there be a recognizable cycle in a river's seasonal
flooding, or Earth's cataclysmic Ice Ages? Yes. ...
As Roger Cunningham was reading through the section of [the Second Edition of the Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and
Prehistory, Farland Publishing, year 2000, a ] book dealing with these matters, something caused him to put on his thinking cap and,
being a number cruncher at heart, he decided to play around with what he had read. It wasn't long before one very important number
literally leaped off the calculator at him: 3600. ...
And none other than Potsdam Institue for Climate Impact has found a similar 3,600 signature.
- ABC News, July 15, 1999
- The rains stopped coming, the temperature rose and the great grasslands of North Africa turned to desert a few thousand years ago -
changes that may have helped spur development of civilization in the Nile Valley. 4,000 to 3,600 years ago, according to a paper
published today by the journal Geophysical Research Letters, was very severe, ruining ancient civilizations and socio-economic
A team of researchers headed by Martin Claussen of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research analyzed computer
models of climate over the past several thousand years. They concluded that the change to today's desert climate in the Sahara was
triggered by changes in the Earth's orbit and the tilt of Earth's axis.
At that time, the Northern Hemisphere received more summer sunlight, which amplified the African and Indian summer monsoon, they
reported. The switch in North Africa's climate and vegetation was abrupt. In the Sahara, we find an abrupt decrease in vegetation
from a green Sahara to a desert shrubland within a few hundred years.
So, what else happened 3,600 years ago?
We've got the Jewish Exodus, the last mammoths going extinct, the sea level dropping world wide by 18-20 feet, the Sahara drying up.
Anything else?
Well, 3,600 years ago, Thera, a monstrous volcano in the Mediterranean, erupted, as did Vesuvius.
The eruption at Thera was 20 times as massive as Krakatoa in 1883.
- According to current data, the last two great eruptions of Vesuvius occured in 3580 B.C.E and 79 C.E. (the latter being the eruption which
buried Pompei and Herculaneum). Both Krakatoa and Thera have a Volcanic Explosivity Index or 6 which rates them as "colossal".
- Science Digest, Sep/Oct '80
- When Krakatoa exploded on August 26, 1883, it erupted noisily. It could be heard as much as 3,000 miles away on Rodrigues Island in the
Indian Ocean. Vibrations shattered shop windows 80 miles off. The energy; released in the main explosion has been estimated to be
equivalent to an explosion of 150 megatons of TNT.
- Christos G. Doumas, Thera - Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean, p. 141
And trees in Sweden show the mark of this explosion, and help establish the date as 1628 BC.
Given that the Zetas say the actual passage period for Planet X, aka Nibiru, is 3,657 years,
this puts the date of the passage very near, well, NOW!
- Ancient Trees May Explain Story of Atlantis
Associated Press, September 14, 2000
- Researchers say ancient pine tree stumps found in a Swedish peat bog may hold a record of the great volcanic blast. Major volcanic
eruptions have been known to blast enough dust into the atmosphere to cause frosts and limit crop growth, and one of the most
powerful such blasts occurred when the Greek island of Santorini blew up in the mid-1600s B.C.
[Carbon] dating and the severe magnitude of this phenomenon suggest that it can be ascribed to the 1628-27 B.C. event, hence
providing new evidence of a wider, more northerly area of influence, the team of Swedish scientists reported in the Sept. 15 issue of
Geophysical Research Letters.
And in China, it was written during the reign of Emperor Qin c.1600 B.C.
- Chieh Dynasty
- In the twenty-ninth year of King Chieh [the last ruler of Hsia, the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty], the Sun was dimmed... the Sun
was distressed... during the last years of Chieh ice formed in [summer] mornings and frosts in the sixth month [July]. Heavy rainfall
toppled temples and buildings... Heaven gave severe orders. The Sun and Moon were untimely. Hot and cold weather arrived in
disorder. The five cereal crops withered and died.
Sounds like the distress preceding a pole shift, with the Sun and Moon untimely.
And what about 7,200 years ago, times 2?
- Geo Science,
Tsunami Along the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia
- The first event probably occurred concomitantly with the rise of Holocene sea-level near modern levels around 7000 before the
present. The impact of these tsunami upon the coastal landscape has been profound. Several signatures provide estimates of the
magnitude of run-up of these events.
The largest tsunami waves swept sediment across the continental shelf and obtained flow depths of 15-20 m at the coastline with
velocities in excess of 10 meters per second. Along cliffs, and especially at Jervis Bay, waves reached elevations of 40-100 m with
evidence of flow depths in excess of 15 m.
Recent work indicates that the southeast coast of Australia may not be the only coast to be affected by catastrophic tsunami. The
geomorphic signatures of such events have been found on Lord Howe Island in the mid-Tasman Sea, along the north Queensland coast
and along the northwest coast of Western Australia.
Bedrock sculpturing features have been identified on the islands of Hawaii and along the east coast of Scotland. The latter location is
within the zone affected by the tsunami generated by a large submarine landslide near Storegga, Norway also 7,000 years ago.
Humm, a tsunami affecting Australia and Scotland and Norway, at the same time?
Sounds global to me.
- A giant wave flooded Scotland about 7,000 years ago, a scientist revealed on Friday. The tsunami left a trail of destruction along what
is now the eastern coast of the country. Scientists believe a landslide on the ocean floor off Storegga, south-west Norway, triggered the
Speaking at the British Association Festival of Science in Glasgow, Professor David Smith said a tsunami could strike again in the
area but the probability was extremely unlikely. It looks as if those people were happily sitting in their camp when this wave from the
sea hit the camp, Professor Smith of the department of Geography at Coventry University told BBC News Online.
And did this tsunami affecting Norway and Scotland, a landslide along the coastline there, cause the Black Sea to form?
All these events, around 7,200 years ago, a multiple of 3,600, are oddly coincidental.
That 3,600 year signature again.
- For Noah's Flood, a New Wave Of Evidence
Washington Post, November 18, 1999
- Scientists have discovered an ancient coastline 550 feet below the surface of the Black Sea, providing dramatic new evidence of a
sudden, catastrophic flood around 7,500 years ago - the possible source of the Old Testament story of Noah.
A team of deep-sea explorers this summer captured the first sonar images of a gentle berm and a sandbar submerged undisturbed for
thousands of years on the sea floor. Now, using radiocarbon dating techniques, analysts have shown that the remains of freshwater
mollusks subsequently dredged from the ancient beach date back 7,500 years and saltwater species begin showing up 6,900 years ago.
The findings offer independent verification of a theory advanced by Columbia University geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman
that the Black Sea was created when melting glaciers raised the sea level until the sea breached a natural dam at what is now the
Bosporus, the strait that separates the Mediterranean Sea from the Black Sea.
An apocalyptic deluge followed, inundating the freshwater lake below the dam, submerging thousands of square miles of dry land,
flipping the ecosystem from fresh water to salt practically overnight, and probably killing thousands of people and billions of land and
sea creatures, according to Ryan and Pitman.
The two scientists described the catastrophe in their book Noah's Flood, based on 30 years of research that began with coring samples
showing the same abrupt transition from lake to sea that Ballard confirmed with his dredge. No one had ever actually seen the old
shoreline, however, until Ballard's team captured sonar images of it in August.
Well, they're not taking into consideration what happened in Norway and Scottland, micro-examining the event.
And volcanoes were also involved at that same time period.
Did the tsunami cause the volcano?
According to the September 10, 1996 issue of the Seattle Times: the research ship JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutions
for the Deep Earth Sampling) Resolution "could easily see the light colored ash deposited from the eruption of Oregon's
Mount Mazama 6,950 years ago. That titanic eruption created Crater Lake and threw out at least 40 times as much magma
as Mount St. Helens did in 1980 and serves as a useful marker to date mud layers.
Water rushing into the coastlines of Australia, submerging western Scotland, inundating Norway, and moving enough earth to block the Black Sea from
the Mediterranean.
Does water move like this, during a pole shift?
- ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves, written prior to July 15, 1995
- As great as the danger to humans and the fauna and flora of the Earth that earthquakes bring, greater still is the devastation that the
shifting waters will bring. There are several factors at play. Water is more liquid than the core of the Earth, and certainly more liquid
than terra firma.
Where the Earth, dragged by its core, is shifting into a new alignment with [Planet X], its waters resist greatly. Thus the waters slosh
over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to the shift. The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the establishment is
desperate to explain in other than pole shift terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts.
I quote again from Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval
- Whales in the Mountains, pages 46-49
- Bones of whale have been found 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of another whale was discovered in
Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level; and still another in the Montreal- Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea level. Although
the Humphrey whale and beluga occasionally enter the mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do not climb hills.
How does a whale arrive 500 feet above sea level, as this is an established fact, one the scientific community cannot even begin to explain.
- ZetaTalk: Flood Tide, written on Jun 15, 2001
- Tidal waves are often shown as rising high, a tower of water crashing down upon hapless humans standing in horror on a beach.
Where a wave generated by an underwater displacement, such as occurs when plates adjust due to subduction during an earthquake,
will roll in a deadly line of pressure until the shore is reached and then rise up when the depth of water is reduced as the wave rolls up
the beach, this does not occur when the whole of the ocean is on the move.
It is rather a flood tide, as the oceans are climbing out of their beds, into higher ground, so the leading edge is the highest point of the
wave. In Tsunamis, a single line of pressure moves through the ocean, transferring water pressure rapidly from the quake point to
where it must stop, at land, thus finally crashing upon a beach.
During a pole shift, there is no single line of pressure, the ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while the crust
moves, and thus rolls up on land onto the coastline being pulled under it. This is a flood tide, with the lip of the water being its highest
point, rising like a silent tide endlessly on the rise, the wave rolling inland without a crashing back and forth, just a steady progressive
Waves caused by an asteroid crash are akin to what children see when they drop a boulder into a pond or puddle. As with a Tsunami
caused by a subducting plate, where the water is under great pressure at a certain point and transfers this pressure in a line in the
direction it was first thrown, the boulder will cause a sudden line of water pressure away from the impact point.
That water rising directly upward drops quickly to the surface, the splash. But the water within the pond moves the line of pressure
outward, visible only as a ripple on the surface of the water until the edge of the pond is reached where it becomes a lapping wave.
Asteroid generated waves are thus tall, crashing upon the shore. Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not lifted by Tsunami
waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave. A whale would not be close enough to the shore to be caught in such an occurrence.
They arrived at these inland mountain tops because the entire ocean was moving, and they could not escape the momentum. Thus
caught, they were deposited in rocky crags where fast flowing waters moved quickly away from them through cracks, too tight a
squeeze for the hapless whale left floundering behind.
And 10,800 years ago?
3 multiples back of 3,600?
- Ice Age Forest Gives a Global Warning
Fox News, Feb. 25, 2000
- The discovery of a forest 11,000 years old buried intact in Michigan, with tree tops poking through the sand, has raised alarm about
the possible speed of global warming. The five-acre forest of hundreds of spruce, just over ten miles from the shore of Lake Superior,
was covered with sand and water when a nearby glacier melted at the end of the Ice Age.
What has shocked scientists is that analysis of the tree-rings shows that the climate warmed so rapidly that it left no mark on the
normal growth of the trees before they were flooded. The conclusion, based on the tree rings, is that there was no real warning of the
dramatic warming that caused the glacier to melt, said Theodore Bornhorst, Professor of Geology at Michigan Technological
And so it goes, the Earth holding evidence to the periodic passage of Planet X, the 3,600 signature.
- ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms, written on Feb 15, 1996.
- The Earth bears witness to the cataclysms in her past and their periodic occurrence. Beyond her deep wound in the Pacific basin, and
beyond the drift of her continents, there are scars more palpable by man.
Mountain cliffs, which rise sheer in many cases thousands of feet, represent tearing of solid rock. These stands before mankind, who
even make a hobby of scaling their heights, ignored in their deeper meaning. Have any experiments been done to determine how much
force would be required to tear rock of this depth? None have. The reason lies in the equally deep desire of mankind to avoid thinking
about the Earth's past cataclysms.
Beneath the sea in the Bahamas lies evidence of civilizations that went under the waves - highways and highway markers, clearly
manmade. These areas have been explored by many fortune hunters, recorded by camera, and published in full color repeatedly.
Likewise ancient Incan cities stand so high in altitude that the cities could not have been built, much less lived in. Yet the scientific
community continues to claim that Earth changes happen gently, inch by inch, at the pace experienced during the memory of their
current civilization.
Antarctica bears witness to her past as a steamy swamp, and likewise the North Seas, where oil is extracted. Likewise the temperate
regions are scared by what is termed the Ice Ages, where these regions were as snow and ice packed as the poles.
A clue to these changes lies in the magnetism frozen in hardened lava, which demonstrates that Magnetic North and South changed
now and then. Has any adequate explanation been proffered by the scientific community?
None has, as all the explanations have the Earth's thin crust remaining in place, as the thought that they are standing on a raft that
can move on the sea of magma beneath them is too frightening to contemplate.