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The ZetaTalk Newsletter
Issue 941, Sunday, September 22, 2024
Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond.
New ZetaTalk Earth Changes Announcements Signs of the Times

270 Roll Weather

As predicted by the Zetas, the 270 Roll in process has created tumultuous weather. The Wobble is increasingly evident, and weather extremes have followed. This has long been predicted by the Zetas and is yet another example of Zetas RIGHT Again!

The Planet has Tilted 150 Miles at the Equator
I have The Google Sky Map app on my phone, and 16 years ago, when i first moved to my house, i used Sky Map, and i looked at the North Pole, and at that time, it was right above my head. I recently looked at Sky Map, and the North Pole has moved many degrees to the left. This blew my mind. That is proof enough to me, that the earth is definitely tilted. … I have been tracking the suns position on the horizon at June 21st solstice sunrises for 7 years. The earth has indeed tilted northward. I was waiting to see if there would be an official acknowledgment. … Yes even in the last year I've watched the sun move atleast 100 miles north from where it was rising from last year. It's now rising in the north east instead of the east. Sounds weird but I say something every day about it being in the wrong place.
The wobble must be huge, magnetic north is out by 40 degrees from true north, so about 20 degrees more than pre PX but the moon and stars are out by 25 to 45 degrees to the south. I have sighted the moon so far south it would put us on the equator (37 degrees out), this happens when the Atlantic is pointing towards the sun. My thoughts are that the South Pole is moving a lot more than the north and this would tie in with PX doing a pole flip as it moves through the solar plane. Look at the Southern Ocean wind (roaring 40s it’s all over the place).
Europe Braces for Extreme Rainfall and Flooding as Heat Dome Collapses
Some areas could see 200 – 400 mm (7.9 – 15.7 inches) of rainfall, with local anomalies likely to increase these amounts even further. The heavy rainfall could lead to widespread flooding across parts of northern Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia.

ZetaTalk Prediction 6/25/2004: The Earth will experience more than a twirling wobble during the passage, more than a simple 90° turn during the hour of the shift, as a complicated magnetic dance is about to ensue, beyond what man might imagine. More than a 23° tilt and lean. The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that something is amiss. The cover-up, blown apart and shattered, without warning. The panic the establishment hoped to avoid suddenly upon them. The controlled panic the establishment hoped to gain by open discussions on the issues such that the populace is aware of what to expect, and what to do, and when, no longer possible because they had failed to degrade the cover-up and focus rage on the perpetrators in time.

ZetaTalk Prediction 11/27/2004: As the Earth normally rotates around its geographic N. Pole, the magnetic N. Pole is exposed for half the day, and then hidden for the other half of the day. This initially results in a Drunken Lurch to push the magnetic N. Pole out of view, a twice a day polar wobble, but rapidly evolves into twirl. This is due to the magnetic N. Pole being either to the right or left of the geographic N. Pole as the globe turns, responding to the emerging hose of magnetic particles from the N. Pole of Planet X as it turns about, in place.

ZetaTalk Prediction 12/6/2004: If the Earth has been in a Wobble since last May, at this early date a relatively gentle tug on the southern portion of the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, was this a factor in the record typhoon and hurricane seasons? Most certainly. Now that a more violent Polar Wobble has started, will the weather be exempt? Hardly. Where the Earth is pulled, the atmosphere is not, and lingers where it was while the crust moves beneath it. Accounts of sudden wind storms, unexpected and out of season, are occurring. Jerking the Earth about under her cloak of air also creates temperature changes.

Numerous prophecies have predicted these times, from the Muslim 40 Days prediction to the Book of Enoch in the Bible. How bad will it get? The Zetas, as usual, explain.

Muslim 40 Days Prediction
“One day like a year” preceding the Last Weeks is predicting the confused weather and sunrise/sunset times that result from the daily Earth wobble gone wild. We have predicted that the seasons will “blend into one another”, thus that year will seem not to have distinct seasons, but a mix. The wobble can make the Sun rise and then set again, as has been documented, so night and day may become confused as the wobble worsens. Muhammed is predicting this confused period to last at least a year. And then things go back to normal, rotation returns, and Nibiru is gone from the skies, having moved on.
And all things on the earth shall alter,
And shall not appear in their time:
And the moon shall alter her order,
And not appear at her time.
And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening on the extremity of the great chariot in the west
And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light.
And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed).
And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,
And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.
And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed,
And the thoughts of those on the earth shall err concerning them.
Book of Enoch
May 4, 2020
40 Days prophecy, Seasons Blending, 7 Bowls in Revelations, Leishmania, 10 Plagues, Torah, Book of Exodus, Kolbrin, Frog Plague, Locust Plagues, Red Dust, Sky Fire, Ipuwer, Velikovsky, Dead Fish, Pitho virus, Mother Shipton, Kali, Kachina, White Buffalo, Trumpets, Dragon description, Two Suns, Arabia greening, Dead Sea fish, Cayce.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/30/2024: In describing the first 270 Roll we included a worsening Wobble and a blending of the seasons. This is occurring now to some extent but will get much worse as the Last Weeks approach. During the Last Weeks a second 270 roll occurs, causing the Pole Shift on Earth. How bad will the first 270 Roll get? Even with the Plate Movements being softened by the Council of Worlds, so that mankind will have more time to become empathic to each other, these edicts by the Council do not change the timeline. Thus our descriptions of the 270 Roll will remain, as originally stated.

The twirling Wobble will become more extreme as the N Pole of Nibiru turns increasingly toward the Earth. This does more than give the Earth a Polar Push to increase the Wobble, it will cast the vast debris ridden tail of Nibiru toward Earth and cause EMP episodes. Weather extremes will become the norm. But the blending of the seasons that results will not be the curse assumed, as it will increase the growing season and abate some of the bitter cold and intractable drought man must endure.

Judge Merchan

The US Military considers President Trump the Commander in Chief, and though the Movie being played for the public allows Biden to pose as the President, during Memorial Day 2023 the Senate was shown the SCOTUS findings and swore in President Trump as the legitimate 2020 winner. Under the Constitution, a sitting President cannot be sued, can only be impeached. Thus Judge Merchan’s intentions to convict and jail President Trump are illegal. As insider Ariel says, an “act of war”.

New York Judge Pushes Trump Sentencing after 2024 Election
September 6, 2024
Merchan is still mulling a separate request by Trump to throw out the jury’s guilty verdict in light of the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision. The judge is slated to decide on Sept. 16 whether the Trump v. United States ruling should prompt him to toss the jury’s guilty verdict.
New York Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the State of New York is the trial-level court of general jurisdiction in the judiciary of New York. It is vested with unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction, although in many counties outside New York City it acts primarily as a court of civil jurisdiction, with most criminal matters handled in County Court. New York is the only state in the United States where the Supreme Court is not the state's court of last resort (which would be the New York Court of Appeals) but it is a trial court.
Juan Merchan
Juan Manuel Merchan (born 1962/1963)[2] is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. He is an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County (Manhattan). He presided over the 2024 criminal trial of former US president Donald Trump, in which Trump was convicted. Merchan is the first judge in history to preside over the criminal indictment and conviction of a US President, and the first judge to hold a President in criminal contempt of court.

Thus per at least one insider report, Merchan has been arrested and taken to Gitmo. This has been confirmed by the Zetas. He heavily instructed the jurors too, on what ‘beyond a reasonable doubt” meant.

JAG Arrests Treasonous Judge Juan Merchan
September 7, 2024
US Navy JAG investigators arrested Deep State Judge Juan Merchan, the treasonous justice who adjudicated the state of New York’s illegal “hush money” case against President Trump, outside his home in Queens Wednesday morning, pounding yet another stake into the heart of the Southern District of New York’s corrupt criminal justice system. Curiously, the arrest came two days before a man claiming to be Merchan issued a statement saying he would delay sentencing in the case until after the presidential election, postponing the original Sept. 18 date.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/7/2024: Yes, Judge Merchan was arrested by the Junta to force a delay in sentencing, but has also been taken to Gitmo to be tried for treason. He knew Trump was the true 2020 winner, and as such was the Commander in Chief of the US Military. Thus Judge Merchan’s actions were indeed treason. The jurors were instructed by the judge so they had no wiggle room to express a ‘reasonable doubt”. Merchan will essentially disappear from public view, and had a limited court docket which was easily rescheduled.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/30/2024: There are so many errors in the NYC Trump trial case that having this trial thrown out on appeal is a certainty. The “random selection’ process used kept assigning Judge Merchan to Trump’s cases. This Judge is a rabid anti-Trumper giving funds to anti-Trump organizations. The Judge refused to allow a change in venue despite the politically poisoned atmosphere in New York City. Trump’s “crime” was not clarified or proven but left vague as an ‘intention’ to defraud the electorate public. The defense was blocked from questioning an FEC expert on election fraud charges. And the Judge erred when informing jurors about the “reasonable doubt” rule, as prior SCOTUS cases state that each and every charge must be voted upon. Judge Merchan described a cut and stitch process wherein opinions on various charges could be mashed together to form the basis of a guilty vote.

Plates on the Move

As the Mainland of N America continues to drop and slide to the SW, large crevasses develop. The latest is a crevasse in Hermosillo, Mexico. This gigantic crack along the San Andreas reportedly swallowed cattle. And further up the coastline at Palos Verdes near LA, a massive landslide occurred.

More Rancho Palos Verdes Landslide Area Homes lose Gas Service
September 6, 2024
Another 54 homes impacted by continuing land movement in Rancho Palos Verdes are expected to lose natural gas service. Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency Tuesday in the city in an effort to free up state resources to assist in the response.

As Africa rolls, the Rift Valley at Yemen is tearing open. The foot of Africa is pulled into the Atlantic during this process, squeezing the armpit of Africa at Nigeria and tearing the Rift Valley. Meanwhile the border through the Mediterranean tears, deeping the Mediterranean there which destabilizes countries along the border between Africa and Eurasia.

Al-Zaidiyah, Yemen
September 6, 2024
A massive fissure appeared Sunday, September 1, 2024, in Yemen’s Al-Zaidiyah district, part of the Al-Hodeidah governorate, following a period of heavy rains and floods. This region has been severely affected by ongoing torrential downpours, which have caused widespread destruction. The exact details surrounding the formation of the fissure are still unclear, but local reports indicate significant damage to infrastructure, including homes and agricultural lands.
Tripoli, Libya
September 6, 2024
Sept 5 Tripoli Security Directorate says repairs have begun on sinkhole at the entrance to the University Road. Sept 6 Tripoli Security Directorate says entrance to University Road shutdown after new sinkhole develops.

Hapgood’s Theory

Hapgood’s theory on why the Earth has had Ice Ages and shifting poles was that the Earth had sustained crustal shifts periodically. He did not ascribe a cause for this, which is obviously the Nibiru passages, but Einstein felt Hapgood’s theories were sound and contributed the forward to Hapgood’s book on the issue – Earth’s Shifting Crust. But until the Nibiru coverup is finished, the debate will continue.

Einstein’s Introduction
The late Charles Hapgood taught the history of science at Keene College, New Hampshire, USA. He wasn't a geologist, or an ancient historian. It is possible, however, that future generations will remember him as the man whose work undermined the foundations of world history - and a large chunk of world geology as well. Albert Einstein was amongst the first to realise this when he took the unprecedented step of contributing the forward to a book that Hapgood wrote in 1953, some years before he began his investigation of the Piri Reis Map.
"I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas," Einstein observed. "It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and - if it continues to prove itself - of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth's surface."

The Troubled Times team has many articles on the shifting crust, with proofs.

Trump/Harris Debate

The first 2024 debate was on CNN with Biden and the second was on ABC with Harris – both networks known to be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). ABC provided a transcript. The polls afterwards showed that Trump won the debate resoundingly, with Insider Paper and CSPAN putting the vote at 75-78% while Fox News and NewsMax rated the Trump win at 90-95%.

Muir, the ABC moderator, had to be corrected by President Trump when he stated that Springfield, Ohio did not have problems with Haitian migrants eating local pets or geese from the parks. And President Trump got several well placed zingers in during the debate.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there.
DAVID MUIR: I just want to clarify here, you bring up Springfield, Ohio. And ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community --
FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I've seen people on television
DAVID MUIR: Let me just say here this ...
FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The people on television say my dog was taken and used for food. So maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager.
DAVID MUIR: I'm not taking this from television. I'm taking it from the city manager.
FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: But the people on television say their dog was eaten by the people that went there.
DAVID MUIR: Again, the Springfield city manager says there's no evidence of that.
Haitian Migrants Eating Pets? Here’s the even more Serious Story about Immigrants in Springfield, Ohio
September 9, 2024
An Aug. 26 police 911 call from Springfield emerged in which a resident said four Haitian immigrants were off with geese at a local park. The report, obtained by the Federalist, came with a recording of a man reporting the incident to a local dispatcher. “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hands,” the caller said, explaining he saw the Haitians drive off with the birds.
“Does That Sound Familiar?” – Trump Owns Harris After Interruption in Debate
September 11, 2024
Many speculated that Harris didn’t want mics to be muted because it would prevent her from making a snarky remark that the liberal media could turn into the “line of the night.” Her “I’m speaking” moment during her 2020 debate with Mike Pence comes to mind.  Instead, mics were muted – and it was Trump to deliver her own line to her. “Wait a minute, I’m talking now if you don’t mind. Please. Does that sound familiar?” Trump replied to a stunned Harris.
Key Moments of Trump v. Harris Debate Summarized
September 11, 2024
Kamala’s closing statements fell flat as she made the pitch to the American people that voting for her is voting for “a new way forward.” Except there’s one harsh reality: she's literally been in power for 3.5 years. Nevertheless, Trump capitalized and asked, “Why hasn’t she done it?” in reference to her policy pledges and tenure in office.

As extra insurance that Harris would have answers handy, she appeared to be wearing an earpiece that is designed specifically for debates. Looking like a pearl earing, this earpiece requires a voice box nearby and Harris indeed was wearing one under her rubber mask during the debate.